Editor Note: This post is a relevant sequel to an Winter Watch survey course understanding of the Epstein big picture that we run yesterday. Without a basis in these two posts you will be fundamentally lost in terms of figuring out how our world works.
Roy Cohn (1927-1986) was the Commissar of Sleaze in New York City. While representing the Mob, he exerted corrupt influence over both the Democrat and Republican parties, and he seemed to have powerful protection.
In the Sept. 5, 1969, issue of LIFE Magazine, an article called “The Hotshot One-Man Roy Cohn Lobby” stated that J. Edgar Hoover punished three of his FBI agents in New York for cooperating with the U.S. District Attorney in New York Robert Morgenthau in his prosecution against Roy M. Cohn (1927-1986) on a number of felony charges.
The LIFE story reported:
During the McCarthy inquisitions of the early 1950’s, Cohn, as Senator McCarthy’s chief counsel, had worked closely with (Louis B.) Nichols and the FBI in developing cases against suspected Communists. Agents spent weeks screening FBI security files and extracting them in memos for Cohn during the prolonged hearings.
Through these years, Cohn’s friendship with Director Hoover also developed, and this was further cemented by their mutual regard for the multimillionaire boss of the huge Schenley distillery complex, Lewis Rosenstiel (1891-1976).
(Cohn to this day addresses Rosenstiel variously as “commander-in-chief” or “supreme commander,” and Rosenstiel refers to his younger friend as “field commander” or “sergeant major.”)

Since Cohn’s “red-hunting” days, there are assertions that he had maintained intimate political and personal relations with Hoover. The two of them also reportedly shared in sex with their mutual financial sponsor, Lewis Rosenstiel. These sexual assertions were made by Rosensteil’s fourth wife, Susan Kaufman. The account is laid out in “Was Hoover a Transvestite Cross Dresser?”
Hoover promoted men inclined to homosexual indiscretions, including Tolson, who had barely 18 months experience with the FBI when he became Hoover’s deputy.
Harry Hay, founder of the Mattachine Society, one of the first gay rights organizations, confirmed that Hoover and Tolson sat in boxes owned by and used exclusively by gay men at their racing haunt Del Mar in California.
All of these operatives employed the compromise, blackmail and smear template of control. In the later years much of this occurred in the basement of Studio 54 and in Suite 233 in the Plaza Hotel. At the peak of his game, Cohn would hold court on his yacht as political hacks and sycophants would show up to get the Cohn “recommendations” on judicial and agency appointments.
Hoover was raised to Master Mason on Nov. 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, D.C. His made-man FBI career was meteoric afterward. In 1955, he was coronated a 33rd Degree Inspector General Honorary and awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.
Regardless, the ties are obvious. Curiously, the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation, was set up in honor of the FBI director with a $1 million contribution from the Dorothy and Lewis S. Rosenstiel Foundation. In this 1971 New York Times article, Louis Nichols, Hoover’s assistant at the FBI and now president of the foundation, denies the assertions that Rosenstiel was involved in organized crime. The claim made was that Rosenstiel was also in league with fellow Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky.
Then the drama escalated. When Lewis Rosenstiel lay dying in 1976, Roy Cohn tried to get control over the massive Schenley Industries fortune, allegedly by forging Rosenstiel’s will. Roy Cohn escaped this disbarment but was disbarred later for other infractions.
The Revolving Door Between the Corrupt Interests of Dewey, Hoover and Rosenstiel
Besides the aforementioned Nichols, there was a revolving door between captured agencies and Rosenstiel’s enterprises. Paul Lockwood, chief assistant to U.S. District Attorney Thomas Dewey, throughout the 1930s and ’40s, had by the 1950s become executive V.P. of Lansky partner Rosenstiel’s Schenley liquors. Lockwood was later joined by the previously cited Louis Nichols, Roy Cohn’s political plaything, who shifted from being chief assistant to Edgar Hoover at the FBI to Schenley V.P. in the Cohn-Mafia orbit.
Under the Prohibition law, Charles “Lucky” Luciano and Murder, Inc. boss Meyer Lansky unified the bootlegging operations from Canada into the U.S. into a single national cartel of all rackets. Important rivals, such as Al Capone, were jailed or murdered. Two huge corporations emerged from this bloodbath after repeal of Prohibition: Canada-based Seagram’s liquors, half-owned by Lansky’s partners, the Bronfman family, and half by the British whiskey trust; and U.S.-based Schenley liquors, founded by Lansky’s partner, “retired” bootlegger Lewis Rosenstiel.
For more on Lansky’s role in Murder, Inc. in New York, read “Murder, Inc.: One of the Most Brutal Death Squads in American History.”
Of late, the larger question as to why Roy Cohn was such a hot shot is reemerging.
Some pieces of the puzzle are revealing. He was a made man from a powerful and relentless favor- and string-pulling family and tribe network. Judge Albert Cohn, Roy’s father, who served as a judge on New York State’s top court, was a close associate of Ed Flynn, FDR’s political adviser.
See our post “The National Enquirer: A Despicable Propaganda and Shakedown Racket.”
Cohn had incredible power to control media output and could — and did — smear targets liberally. An Esquire magazine article from 1978 mentioned that three of Cohn’s closest childhood friends were New York publishing magnates: National Inquirer’s Gene Pope, Jr., Si Newhouse, Jr., who was the chairman of Conde’ Nast publications and part owner of the Newhouse communications empire; and Hearst Corporation President Richard Berlin. These men operated in concert. All but Pope were Jewish.
Cohn’s business and political partner and client was Jerry Finkelstein, a major influence on the Democrat Party organization of New York City. Finkelstein bought the New York Law Journal. This was the New York legal profession’s daily newspaper, which was given extraordinary power by Cohn’s father, Judge Albert Cohn, who decreed it the exclusive, official medium for publication of legal notices.
In 2009, Robert Sherill penned a must-read Nation article titled “King Cohn” that skewered Cohn as ruthless and unethical. The author asks this important question: “Roy Cohn was one of the most loathsome characters in American history, so why did he have so many influential friends?”
In “King Cohn,” we learn that his maternal grandmother was deranged. One of his mother’s brothers was “either mentally retarded or brain-damaged.” Some members of the Cohn family thought Roy’s mother should have been institutionalized. Everyone agreed she was extremely neurotic at the very least. Yes, seems Roy was well suited for his role in life.
Sherill writes:
All his life, Cohn particularly sucked up to Jewish journalists, because he practiced law through headlines. He became a tout and gossip procurer for Walter Winchell, who returned the favor by giving Cohn his first national notoriety, and he was very close to the once-powerful columnist George Sokolsky, in whom Cohn saw a second father, and Richard Berlin, head of the Hearst newspaper conglomerate.
Cohn was virtually a member of the newspapering Newhouse family; throughout his adult life he was in daily contact with Si Newhouse, and on one occasion old Samuel Newhouse gave Cohn a half-million bucks, free and clear, to get him out of a jam.
And, as already mentioned, The New York Times in the Abe Rosenthal era was an entirely friendly dumping ground for Cohn’s politically murderous gossip.
All of the aforementioned journos had close ties to J. Edgar Hoover as well. This is a formula that continues to this day, but with an added dialectic circus element to boot.
Sherill goes on, citing from a book by Nicholas Von Hoffman about the man’s business practices:
Von Hoffman lists mountains of evidence: looting enterprises by collecting excessive fees; asking other lawyers around his firm to sign false affidavits (and telling one who wouldn’t, “I can’t afford your Harvard ethics”); asking clients for money to bribe the judge and then pocketing the bribe money; or not telling clients he was going to bribe judges, and doing it. His money was spread widely. “If fixing the clerks wouldn’t accomplish his goals,” says von Hoffman, “Roy would tamper with witnesses.” There were strong suspicions that he sometimes defrauded his own law partners.
On at least one occasion he allowed top Mafia bosses to hold their meeting in his office so that, if wiretapped, what they said could not be used against them in court because of the lawyer-client relationship–a relationship with the Mafia, it should be added, that was much too extensive and friendly and covered too many years to be in any way innocent.
Cohn’s underworld clients included Thomas and Joseph Gambino, family of the New York Mafia “boss of bosses,” Carlo Gambino; Carmine Galante, alleged Mafia executive of Westchester County; Fat Tony Salerno; and Frank Cocchiaro, alleged subordinate of Sam (“the Plumber”) Cavalcante. Cohn was a partner of Joe Bonnano and his henchman, and a close comrade of Lansky partner Moe Dalitz.
Per Sherill, Cohn was a particularly nasty homosexual. He was often a favored guest at the ranch of multimillionaire Shearn Moody, who readily provided, we learn, “many little boys of the night” to guests who desired them.
“Detective James Rothstein had an opportunity to have a sit-down with … Roy Cohn. During this sit-down, Cohn admitted to Rothstein that he was part of a rather elaborate sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes.”

The roots of the relationship between the Dulles-Dewey crowd and the modern cryptocracy apparatus go back to 1935, when Thomas Dewey (1902-1971) was made a New York Special Prosecutor responsible for “investigating organized crime.” Cohn’s buddy Jerry Finkelstein served as staff assistant to Dewey, wrote Anton Chaitkin in “Morris and the Cohn Family Criminal Gang” [EIR Volume 23, Number 28, July 5, 1996].
He weaned down the competition by targeting Dutch Schultz. He jailed Lucky Luciano, leaving Meyer Lansky the undisputed boss of the National Crime Syndicate. Later, under the cover of WWII, New York Gov. Dewey released Lansky’s partner Charles “Lucky” Luciano from prison to re-create the Mafia under Anglo-American intelligence control, according to Chaitkin.
Entirely under Dulles’ management, Dewey was elected New York’s governor in 1942. Allen Dulles was chief adviser to Republican nominee Thomas E. Dewey in his 1944 and 1948 presidential races. Dewey freed Luciano from prison and exiled him to Italy in 1946.
In 1957, after a disgraceful performance as counsel for Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Dewey’s personal representative, Judge David Peck, arranges Cohn to be placed in the New York law firm of Saxe, Bacon and O’Shea. Cohn then brought in such clients as the Gambino family, the Finkelsteins, and Lansky partners such as Schenley’s liquor boss Lewis Rosenstiel, wrote Chaitkin.
It was there that the methods described in “King Cohn” were implemented.
Dulles gave Dewey $2 million in CIA money for the purchase of the infamous Mary Carter Paint·Co. Armed with the Dewey name, Mary Carter Paint served as a protective umbrella for the Lansky mob’s move into Caribbean gambling, money laundering and drug trafficking. In the late 1960s, a royal commission investigating organized crime in the British Caribbean islands helped finish off all gambling rivals of Mary Carter Paint, which had meanwhile changed its name to Resorts International, Chaitkin reveals.
What really drew our suspicion to the Dewey-Dulles cabal was the appointment of their law partner J. Lee Rankin as Executive Director and General Counsel to the rigged Warren Commission.
Read: LBJ Pressured Earl Warren to Head Commission Investigation into JFK Assassination
Resorts International hotel and casino company developed Paradise Island in the Bahamas in the 1960s. In 1978, under chairman James Crosby, it expanded to Atlantic City, New Jersey, with the opening of Resorts Casino Hotel.
Cohn became Donald Trump’s legal counsel in the 1970s.

Cohn died in 1986 after a two-year battle with AIDS. And after Crosby’s death in 1986, Resorts International was briefly controlled by Trump before being acquired by Merv Griffin in 1988. [See “The Snarling Death of Roy M. Cohn” by Nicholas von Hoffman]
One of Cohn’s chief defenders was the new head of the “conservative” movement, William F Buckley….his mother was a Steiner. Bill appeared as a catholic but he held some unconventional catholic views such as legalizing drugs and prostitution. He was a skull and bonesman, knights of Malta, bohemian grove, CFR. He was able to commandeer the conservative movement into the neo conservative thing we now have through his National Review publication, a publication fond to Ronald Reagan. It was his brother senator James Buckley who was the first to call for Nixon to step down. Nixon was not Israeli friendly which was possibly the real reason for his undoing. Was Kissinger Deep THroat? It was Kissinger that gave a eulogy at Buckley’s funeral. Buckley fired Joe Sobran for his views on Israel. His magazine was made up of “former” Trotskyites. Buckley, I contend, was a weaponized crypto who has had a lasting impact on shaping the American political scene.
Yes sir, Cohn’s connections to the Republican party run deep also. His connections to the Reagan’s was huge: “One of Cohn’s other most frequent phone pals and closest friends was Nancy Reagan and she was also one of his clients. Reagan, whose influence over her husband was well-known, was so close to Cohn that it was largely his death from AIDS that led her to “encourage her husband to seek more funding for AIDS research.”
“Given that Reagan heavily courted the evangelical right and promoted “family values” as president, the close ties between not only himself, but his inner circle, with Cohn may seem odd. However, Reagan, like Cohn, had deep ties to the same organized-crime factions that were among Cohn’s clients and affiliates of the same Mafia figures close to Cohn’s own mentor, Lewis Rosenstiel”.
The country has been infiltrated by TheSynagogueOfSatan
Meh! I disagree!
This nation was ruined long before a single Jewish person set foot in the Western Hemisphere. The nation was on a war path due to its imperial visitors and the result has been constant battle sine before the founding of the republic.
In fact, the worst perpetrators are European settlers with a desire for increased resources. Sure the Bering Straight crossers could have real draconian ways of dealing with one another, but the Europeans were just plain cruel. When we acknowledge this fact, then we arrive at those incest driven English folks.
In fact, if you wish to acknowledge who brought Synagogues here in the first place, then you would find the incestual English at the root of all your disagreements. First they hid from Rome and got all sorts of incestual. Then when Rome moved on and the Irish left them alone, they figured out a way to make incest normal and okay by developing a monarchy that could “keep it in the family”. Unfortunately, this caused mental chaos and deviant behavior, which developed in a “war of the mind” if you will.
That very disability spread to These United States of America in disproportionate ways and hence we have “crazy” states and “not so crazy states”. The Jewish folks can be part of the “crazy” mix in a big way, but are not the original cause. In fact, many Jewish folks are quite sane and nice.
Still the British got so enamored with the Jewish folks as to sell their souls during Henry VIII / Elizabeth I, since they needed money for all those wars, imperial expansions and continued incest, that they elevated a minority to a higher status. This was a gamble on their parts and the residual is where we wound up.
So as I used to say to many of my international friends some years ago, when you wish to begin the blame game start with the British.
Many thanks; I am appreciative.
Since you covered it, I will leave HH alone and move on; I do not wish to give you or Torchy a headache.
. The explanation why Columbus made contradictory statements as to the date of his birth, his birthplace, and concealed his real sentiments on other questions, has only recently been made clear through the discovery of sixteen notarial documents ranging from 1428 to 1528, by a local historian of Potevedra in Galicia, Spain, Mr. Garcia de la Riga, these documents relating to the Colon and Fonterossa families, who also found other evidences that Christopher Columbus, whose natal name was Cristoval Colon, was born and passed his childhood in that city, his parents having been Domingo de Colon and Susana Fonterossa, a Jewess. And though they probably emigrated to Genoa about 1450, when the boy Cristoval was about fifteen, availing themselves of commercial relations which existed between the two ports, there is no reasonable doubt remaining that Cristoval Colon was obliged to conceal his maternal origin, rather than incur the dangers of the Inquisition and the prejudices of his time; since, had his birthplace and family connections been known, the fact that his mother was a Jewess would have been not merely an insuperable obstacle to his receiving the attention of Ferdinand and Isabella, but a cause for his execution, or at least expulsion from the land of his birth. For as he states in his journal, the Jews were expelled from the domains of both Ferdinand and Isabella in the very same month in which he was appointed Admiral.
“President Taft has set Saturday, June 8, as the time for the unveiling and dedication of the Columbus memorial on Union Station Plaza, in Washington, D. C. The date was fixed following a conference on February 17, with James A. Flaherty, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus; Edward L. Hearn, commissioner on the part of the Supreme Council of the order, and Colonel K. Spencer Cusby, of the War Department. Preparations are being made in Washington to accommodate fifty thousand visitors.”
Messrs. Flaherty and Hearn, before attending this conference, received instructions from their spiritual “bosses” Gibbons, Farley and O’Connell the “American” Princes of the Church, who will control the ceremony and be the principal attraction on the above date, Taft and other prominent plebeian non-Catholic politicians being permitted within the show-ring to assist.
I would respectfully suggest that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and Knights of Columbus place upon the proposed monument the following inscription proposed by Dr. Henry Brown, of Spokane, Washington, for a similar monument at Walla Walla in that State:
Dr. Brown, in proposing this inscription, writes:
“I do not forget that very many people, through lack of information, may be tempted to look upon the wording as slanderous and inappropriate. But, for the benefit of all such, I will simply say that these (quotations) are the exact words used by Professor Justin Winsor, Harvard librarian, in his great work on Christopher Columbus, page 312, fifth line from the top and first line on page 282.”
If any religious sect is to control the ceremony, which should be entirely national, and in which all classes without regard to creed should participate, it would seem more appropriate and more in accord with the truth of history that this ceremony be controlled by the Jews.
The foregoing sketch of the life of Columbus, obtained from the most trustworthy historians, was contributed by Mr. Hyland C. Kirk, Washington, D. C.
Romanism, A Menace to the Nation – By Jeremiah J. Crowley
I looked up photos of Thomas Dewey. Physiomorphology must be real lol. The man looks like the total embodiment of a kakiscrat.
Lewis Rosenstiel was a business partner of Meyer Lansky.
Lewis Rosenstiel´s daughter, Cathy, married James Finkelstein (a client of Roy Cohn).
James Finkelstein is the brother of Andrew Stein (born Finkelstein).
None other than Donald Trump attended Andrew Stein’s wedding to none other than Lynn Forester (these days married to the economic adviser to Queen Elizabeth II, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild).
You know, I actually have a documentary (DVD) somewhere that claims that Lynn and Evelyn watched 9/11 from their balcony downtown (sorry I used to walk past the building from time-to-time, but now forget the address — it was a sort of off white and gray building as I recall).
I have not thought of this documentary or this allegation (which I do not doubt) in many years. Thank you for the reminder.
Lady Lynn and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild just happened to own an apartment in the very same NYC building as such luminaries as Henry Kissinger and Wilbur Ross.
None other than the wife of Prince Andrew, Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson, had an office on the 101st floor of the North Tower of the WTC. It does get a bit confusing as she couldn’t keep her story straight on why she wasn’t in her office in the Twin Towers on 9/11…
On 16 November 2001, Fergie explained that she missed the catastrophe because she was in the studio with Charlie Gibson.
Years later Fergie changed her story to claim that she missed out on certain death as she was stuck in traffic.
Yeah, I vaguely remember this:
“None other than the wife of Prince Andrew, Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson, had an office on the 101st floor of the North Tower of the WTC.”
She was a spokewoman for a shopping mall development company and Weight Watchers (maybe? I think…some company like it). So I vaguely recall what you are talking about and the Kissinger aspect to that building also rings a bell. I do not recall Ross being in that location, but there was an actor or television producer (maybe Dick Wolf of Law and Order?) who also had an apartment in that building around the same time.
Thanks for the response and link; I am appreciative.
That angle about how ‘Mary Carter Paint Co. morphed into Mar a Lago was covered in some depth by an eccentric blogger named Steven Snider who got off to a running start with a bit on his ‘VISUP’ blog about all this Cohn/Resorts International stuff but then provided disappointingly little follow up, though the connections between Trump and a nexus of mafiosi and private intelligence agencies was useful data.
I sense some conflict in the comments here amongst people I really do admire and appreciate. So although this is completely off topic (Oh, look over there!!) it (partially) explains why I have been otherwise distracted.
So just stopping by to share a couple of links, both involving Matthew Ehret, that I didn’t want you to miss out on … a bit lengthy so only if interested and in your own time.
• Quantum Mechanics De-Mystified: Uncovering the Sub-Quantum World [Jonathan Tennenbaum RTF lecture]
A stunning presentation by Dr Jonathan Tennenbaum. I was particularly enthralled from around 54:40 involving the work of the French physicist Yves Couder involving the behaviour of silicone droplets and then from around 1:09:45 on the Doubochinski pendulum.
At around 12:00-ish in the Q&A session (second video) Dr Tennenbaum mentioned the possibility of proteins being used to respond to EMF in the context of biological application in general. I am very familiar with the excitation of plasmons in metal surfaces and with the central place proteins play in the COVID hoax, so this is quite topical.
There was much to resonate from my own (distant) past experience involving quantum mechanics and harmonic balance within non-linear systems (involving inverse Fourier transforms).
In the meantime, I just finished listening to this interview by Sean Morgan with Matthew Ehret.
• Who and What is the “Deep State”?
featured here
Matthew’s personal testimony in the first few minutes about becoming awakened soon after 911 should be of general interest. In the latter half, Sean Morgan repeats all the standard anti-China canards, but in a naïve, non-aggressive and non-malicious (but brainwashed) way. In the manner of a good teacher, Matthew answers each one, again not in a confrontational or dismissive way, but in an erudite manner that instructs the questioner and allows Sean to ponder and think. I am still not convinced he is stepping around the elephant in the room but he is certainly very erudite and worth listening to.
[I downloaded the mp3 and listened at a comfortable speed.]