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Here We Go Again: Deranged Voters Looking for a Political Savior

Gary D Barnett | April 21, 2023

My gracious sakes alive; it is amazing that it is only eighteen months away from yet another mentally deranged presidential ‘election,’ and the insanity circus is already in town. Who will run? Who will be nominated? Who will be your savior this time around? Who will give you a check? Who will ‘fix’ the country? Who will be tasked with continuing the madness? Which trimmer will get called into the game by the ruling ‘elites’ to compete in this selection-based political process? Will it be Biden again, Trump, DeSantis, M. Obama, or the new lauded democrat, RFK, Jr., or any others in the cadre of political scum of wanna-be rulers vying for the selected top spot? It does not matter you see, as so long as this voting insanity continues, this country and world will persist in flushing all freedom down the proverbial toilet bowl of dreams, while the lowly complicit masses cheer on their political gods.

The idiotic notion of the myth of representative government, democracy, and the ludicrous lie of “government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” will once again be shouted from the rooftops by most all involved, including the clueless voters. There have been 59 previous presidential elections since 1789, and things have worsened after every single ‘election’ in the history of this country. In case this fact is still difficult for most to grasp, this next cycle of a staged picking of a master, will culminate by allowing the lowest form of human to be placed in a dominating position of rule and power over the enslaved people. The only result will be more dominance, self-serving tyranny, and a continued democide of this population. As always, this fate of the people at large will have been voluntarily accepted.


6 Comments on Here We Go Again: Deranged Voters Looking for a Political Savior

  1. You don’t see much coverage of Tucker Carlson’s “spiked expose” of the Ray Epps/ 60 Minutes “whitewash” of January 6th. The last thing TPTB want, is the truth about Pelosi, et al, and election debacle. They want the truth forgotten (J6 detainees) and buried. No way will they allow legitimate investigations to gain any traction.

  2. Thanks for posting Gary Barnett, one of the most truthful writers out there! You cannot “vote” your way out of tyranny! They say that “if you don’t vote, you can’t complain.” I say, the time for complaining is over!

  3. There has been formed in the world the curious custom of dividing peoples into so-called ‘authoritarian’ States, that is disciplined States, and democratic States. In the authoritarian, that is, the disciplined States, it goes without saying that one does not abuse foreign peoples, does not lie about them, does not incite to war. But the democratic States are precisely ‘democratic,’ that is, that all this can happen there. In the authoritarian States a war-agitation is of course impossible, for their Governments are under an obligation to see to it that there is no such thing. In the democracies, on the other hand, the Governments have only one duty: to maintain democracy, and that means the liberty, if necessary, even to incite to war.
    Speech of November 6, 1938. Quoted in My New Order

    “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.” – George Wallace, Governor of Alabama, 1968

    By the way, the Central Bank Clan has popagated the fallacy that this is a “Democracy” when it was established as a constitutional Republic.

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