PM | Feb. 9, 2023
On Thursday, South Africa declared a National State of Disaster as the country’s power grid continues to collapse despite scheduled power outages lasting up to 12 hours by the state run power company Eskom, which supplies 90 percent of the entire country’s power.
According to a statement from the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, “Considering the magnitude, severity, and progression of the severe electricity supply constraint.”
The National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) declared the “national state of disaster to prevent the possible progression to a total blackout from occurring and taking into account the possibility to augment existing measures already undertaken by the organs of state to deal with electricity supply constraint.”
Prior to the handover of power by the notorius f.w de klerk to the south african communist party front, the a.n.c, in 1994 Eskom was considered one of the best award winning concerns of its type globally. At that stage south africa was exporting electricty to neighbouring countries. What has followed is a veritable carnival of corruption, theft, incompetance, nepotism & racism by the same gang of crooks, con-artists & common thueves who are now claiming to be performing Herculean feat’s of brain-storming to try & remedy this unexpected state of affairs..The same lot , who control Eskom, have in mind to retrench ad many as 500 more white technicians,.
Related sources: (Jan Lamprecht)
History Reviewed
African Crisis
The antiwhite non whites running that sad nation absolutely cannot maintain what the White man invented.
This comment posted from a low battery phone surrounded by darkness right now .. thanks, Eskom ????????
Buy an electric car they say.
I’ve observed digs in the ground in several locations in my hometown here in Sweden. In two of those areas there was signage stating that they were working to reinforce the power grid. Shortly thereafter, both those areas – and (so far) only those areas – suffered complete powerloss for several hours. Seems pretty clear from that that the crime syndicate is attacking our power supply and it’s hardly just happening in my town. The events in South Africa must be a large scale version and seemingly a sign of things to come.
2015 :South Africa
“Eskom is set to axe as many as 3,389 skilled white employees, including 1,081 white engineers and managers, as it ramps up its affirmative action policy.
This is according to Solidarity, who said that the power utility aims to reflect the national demography by 31 March 2020.
“According to these targets, there are approximately 3,400, or 44%, white employees too many at Eskom (public electric utilities). The job levels that will be hardest hit are those of qualified, experienced specialists and middle management.
2021: South Africa
An explosion caused extensive damage at South Africa’s newest and largest coal-fuelled power plant on August 8, just one week after the plant had come fully online.
Procedural non-compliance and a lack of supervision and oversight are some of the causes revealed to have led to the explosion of Eskom, the South African electricity public utility. Medupi power plant’s unit 4 last year. Eskom’s Medupi’s unit 4 went into commercial operation in November 2017 and is one of Eskom’s biggest units by generating electricity.
2023 in news today:
“South African Energy Crisis Triggers Declaration Of State Of Disaster”
Meanwhile…in South Africa. African man tells the truth. 2 minutes