The Goolag strikes again. As further proof that we live in Clown World and that Google is in the running for numero uno Bozo in that dishonest, unethical world, here are the results of certain search terms.
The print is small but the following blocks of images show Google search results for “black couple,” “Asian couple,” “Latino couple,” “Arab couple” and “white couple.” Examine these closely.
You can search these terms for yourself. The results will likely show different photos but with similar effect.
Incompetence or malice? There shouldn’t be any doubt about the answer to this question.
Google is the insidious, malicious Crime Syndicate operating arm of the New Underworld Order. This is an example of their social modeling. Whites are being disenfranchised of their autonomy and their future — by design.
For further reading:
Joogle are making fools of themselves. People can see through their anti-white genocidal agenda. Check out this one, it’s so over the top it’s ridiculous.…0.0..0.300.4100.2-7j9……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67.8Hq-LmZ5fks…16200.17900..20000…0.0..0.600.2200.3-4j1j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img.-p0XVhVyPig&ved=0ahUKEwiClczZyt3lAhWh-ioKHfAwCyIQ4dUDCAY
Indian Sundar Pichai runs Google. Wiki: “Pichai was born in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in a Tamil Brahmin family.” Half of Silicon Valley tech workers are from India and working via a visa, according to recent study. To understand the importance, recommend reading “New World Order Autotrons in America: Upper-Caste Supremacist Subcontinent Indians”
This is not an accidental algorithm or a pixel screw-up like back in the day where you would type in ‘Israhell’ and Google would helpfully ping back ‘Did you mean Israel?’ Or you would type in ‘gorilla’ and get a picture of the presidential tranny and former linebacker: Michael or some SA politician in the Image cache. Those were the days. Googles’ ‘couples’ images is Exhibit A for social engineering and White Replacement ideology with malice aforethought. For the Muslim couples – I note there are no ‘marriage equality’ couples. And they are colour co-ordinated. But for White or European couples – lots of Diversity and lots of ‘marriage equality’. In the world according to Google, the European couples are very often rainbow couples. The gaybes are bi-racial. All they need is a droid and a pet satyr to complete the family unity.
…And needless to say, “couple” now means any two human beings, so you are likely to see as many homosexual “couples” as heterosexual. What are we to expect further down the yellow brick road? Animal-human, Old-young, We know the trajectory, but can we stop it??
Read article, then read comments section.
Demographic is probably urban/hip youths with zero care for their society.
Hard to believe any sane white person who wants to stay safe would trigger young blacks with racial slurs this day and age. I am inclined to disbelieve this account.
I thinka website called “complex” only cares about stoking flames and enraging more people, in the wrong way of course.
Oh, with Nick Fuentes second trolling of Trump Jr at UCLA i expect his youtube page to be gone shortly.
They need to watch the fine line between just harassing and asking a few tough questions. Lining eight groypers in a row constitutes impairment of free assemblage. I think they need to hold counter sessions elsewhere but do it afterwards.
Recent Nissan commercial for ‘holiday sales’ shows every couple oogling over a car as a mixed race couple. Too many others to count. Adults understand, but kids probably wont pick up on it.
The Kalergi plan is what they are working on. It’s why they flooded all white nations with non-whites and are continuing to do it. They want the white race gone. As they said, they can easily rule over a brown mixed people. Who are they? They would be the usual suspects who believe God gave them the right to rule the earth and everyone else should be their slaves.
Kalergi Plan = Noahide Plan/Talmudic Jewry Plan… In other words, behead Christians (esp. white ones), and the whites who survive will be their slaves. The Talmudic “800 slaves per Jew” crap…or is it 2800? I’ve heard both numbers out of the mouths of Chabaders.
Jews are Caricatures of themselves.
My family often used the term “jewed” or “I got jewed” whenever someone ripped us off.
My mom kept it simple, on the jews she said “they’re Obnoxious”.
We live in sh^t circus world.
The real shame is the overlords are powerless against our numbers, but the majority are living dead. Look at the puppet “leaders”… all of them feminine eunuchs, none of them work EVER… true PARASITES. As jesus said “let the dead bury their dead”… I can see moron relatives at funerals, weeping under their face diapers, none the wiser- the deceased with a toe tag from satan saying “covid”
Hospitals are death camps – I had med students in my grad courses – dumb as a bag-o-hammers and my Profs hated them,
Look at the bottom of the white couple section eighth one down. That couple was brutally raped and murdered by a group of blacks. Can’t remember their names. Happened in Tennessee. I can’t believe that they posted that. Tells you everything you need to know.
This is the couple. This is why it made me furious when I saw them. That wasn’t accidental.