Winston Churchill and the 1943 Starvation of 4 Million in Bengal

“I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. They are the beastliest people in the world next to the Germans.” — Winston Churchill

Winter Watch is not a fan of Winston Churchill. In fact, we consider him near the top of the list of the nastiest leaders of the 20th century. Churchill follows the same mold as the British pederast warmonger clique exposed on these pages. In the events around the First World War he was a practicing junior partner.

Cecil Rhodes and His Warmongering Buggery Hegemony

Per the Rothschild family archive itself, Randolph Churchill (1849-1895) the father of Winston Churchill was an intimate of the Rothschild family. He formed a close association with Nathaniel, 1st Lord Rothschild, on whose behalf he reported on the development of the mining industry in South Africa. Churchill was a frequent guest at Rothschild houses. The Rothschilds made extensive loans to Churchill. Support for Rhodes had been encouraged by Randolph Churchill who had been acting as consultant to Rothschilds, assessing the prospects of gold and diamond mining in South Africa. Blood runs thick among these clans.

Case in point about the real blood thirst of dark triad Winston Churchill was the hidden history of the 1943 Bengal famine in which nearly four million souls starved to death under British rule. Once again this is not something you will find on History Channel and has been scrubbed from the now worthless You Tube. I am using two primary sources for this article: “The Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food’ by Lizzie Collingham, and the well-cited book “Churchill’s Secret War” by Madhusree Mukerjee.

The causa proxima for food shortages in the Bengal region in India during WWII breaks down as follows: Bengal’s dismal winter rice harvest of 1942 was low due to warm, humid and cloudy weather. A tropical cyclone in October 1942 destroyed crops, causing the first wave of starvation. The Japanese occupied neighboring Burma, which was a swing or backup producer of grains and rice. A large number of refugees from Burma had come into Bengal, which increased food demand.

Adding to the difficulties was the fact that in 1942 and prior to the poor crop, Churchill, anticipating a Japanese invasion, initiated a scorched-earth policy in eastern India by destroying boats on the coastal areas and transport inland. Rice stockpiles were destroyed, seized and shipped out leaving little in reserve. With scarcity came the hoarders and speculators that further exacerbated the situation. Cultivators, farmers and landlords in India, merchants and traders, and provincial governors hoarded supplies, paralyzed the Indian markets for rice and blatantly profiteered as the famine progressed.

So, clearly, by the end of 1942 even the most incompetent government would know that Bengal was headed for a perfect storm without alleviation. And yet British administrators let the situation go on for a year. Astonishingly, the provincial government of Bengal never formally declared a state of famine. The famine only ended because of the winter bumper crop of 1943-44. Without that, the famine could have taken millions more.

Adding to the politics, Gandhi’s Quit India movement and Subhas Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army were fighting alongside the Japanese. On the other side of the coin, by 1943 more than two and a half million Indian soldiers had been deployed to the allied war effort in Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia. Vast quantities of arms, ammunition and raw materials had been sourced from across India at no cost to Britain.

In keeping with neoliberal proclivities, the British had always taken a laissez-faire philosophy in ruling India. There were 31 serious famines during 120 years of British rule. These famines killed up to 30 million Indians. Therefore, initially, as the famine was developing in early 1943, Secretary of State for India Leo Amery at first took a Malthusian view of the crisis, arguing that India was “overpopulated” and that the best strategy was to do nothing.

According to Mukerjee, “Churchill’s attitude toward India was quite extreme, and he hated Indians, mainly because he knew India couldn’t be held for very long. Churchill regarded wheat as too precious a food to expend on recalcitrant subjects who were demanding independence from the British Empire. He preferred to stockpile the grain to feed Europeans after the war was over. Because of the needs of total war, India had become a major creditor or in Churchill’s words — the biggest war profiteer.”

Churchill was totally remorseless in diverting food to the British troops, Greek civilians and Balkan partisans. To him, “the starvation of anyhow underfed Bengalis (was) less serious than sturdy Greeks” — a sentiment with which Secretary of State for India and Burma Leopold Amery concurred. The timing of the famine was precisely when the war was turning in Europe, making Bengal expendable.

Footnote on Churchill’s henchman Leopold Amery (1873-1955): Very typical of the British hierarchy, his mother’s family was crypto-Jewish. The Jewish Virtual Library actually considers him the drafter of the Balfour Declaration. Amery also helped to create the Jewish Legion. Amery took great pride in this, claiming: “I seem to have had my finger in the pie, not only of the Balfour Declaration, but of the genesis of the present Israeli Army.”

Churchill was resolutely opposed to any food shipments. Ships were desperately needed for the landings in Italy. Besides, Churchill felt it would do no good. Famine or no famine, Indians will “breed like rabbits.” Very late in the catastrophe, Amery prevailed on him to send some relief, albeit only a quarter of what was needed.

But Churchill was also hoping for more aid from within India itself. Unfortunately, the politicians and civil servants of surplus provinces like the Punjab introduced regulations to prevent grain from leaving their provinces for the famine areas of Bengal, Madras and Cochin. India was not permitted to use its own sterling reserves, or indeed its own ships, to import food. Within India, the government prioritized military and defense needs over those of the rural poor, allocating medical care and food very much in favor of the military, laborers in military industries and civil servants.

When the famine got out of hand, even slow-to-react Amery, the crypto-Jewish arch-colonialist, denounced Churchill’s “Hitler-like attitude.” Urgently beseeched by Amery and Viceroy Archibald Wavell to release food stocks for India, Churchill responded with a telegram asking why Gandhi hadn’t died yet. Even a few shipments of food grain would have helped, but the British prime minister adamantly turned down appeals from two successive Viceroys, his own secretary of state for India and even the president of the United States. Lord Wavell, appointed Viceroy of India that fateful year, considered the attitude of Churchill government toward India to be “negligent, hostile and contemptuous.”

Offers of American and Canadian food aid were turned down as Churchill calculated it would ultimately deflect away from the home front and hurt morale. Overlooked is that the U.S. War Department and Army denied food allocations and shipping space to Britain. This forced Britain to ration food at half the level rationed to American civilians, causing Britain to absorb food stocks from the Empire, and diverted shipping to support U.S. and allied military operations. Mukerjee has unearthed documents that reveal ships carrying grain from Australia bypassed India on their way to the Mediterranean.

Ultimately Churchill summed up his Hanlon’s Razor feeble excuses and four million death toll as ““War is mainly a catalogue of blunders.”

9 Comments on Winston Churchill and the 1943 Starvation of 4 Million in Bengal

  1. Great article. Churchill will be remembered as one of the worst traitors in Western history. He killed millions of white Europeans, millions of Indians and others, destroyed the British Empire forever, and ensured that all Western white countries would be absorbed into the global order that sought to destroy them.

  2. I recommend Mukerjee’s book ‘Churchills Secret War’. Everyone should read at least the first chapter, which can be downloaded for free from Amazon.
    She does make one mistake, perhaps on purpose. She calls Lord Cherwell, Churchill’s “science advisor” and one of the chief architects of the famine, a German, and blabbers on in dark undertones about German racism, etc. In fact, Cherwell was a Jew and hated Germans even more than he hated Indians.

  3. But it was David — who led the community’s exodus to Bombay (now known as Mumbai, India) — that established the branch of the Sassoon Family which was to rank among the wealthiest and most respected and influential dynasties in the world. David Sassoon and his eight sons profited handsomely from several different types of businesses. They made a fortune in textiles; but the trade which really raked in the shekels for the new “Indians” later dubbed “the Rothschilds of the East” was in selling opium, aka narcotics, aka “dope” in China.

    Ezra Pound said to the British Tommy:
    “It is an outrage that any nice young man from the suburbs should be expected to die for Victor Sassoon. It is an outrage that any drunken footman’s byblow (bastard child) should be asked to die for Sassoon. You can not touch a sore or a shame in your empire but you find a Mond, a Sassoon, or a Goldsmid. You have no race left in your government.”

    But they did not listen, now look where they are?

  4. The Duke of Marlborough
    Churchill’s father, Lord Randolph, was second son of the seventh Duke of Marlborough. His ancestor, the first Duke, had risen to fame and fortune during the reign of Queen Anne. Described by one Victorian historian as notoriously fond of money, he played the decisive role in the overthrow of James II. When William of Orange landed at Torbay on 3rd November 1688, the future Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill, marched against the invader and then coolly turned his army over to him.
    His conduct can easily be explained by reference to the Jewish Encyclopaedia. This work declares that John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough, was paid the then enormous sum of £6,000 a year by Solomon Medina in recognition of his many services. As the Jew’s chosen candidate to replace James II on the throne, the Dutchman William of Orange was paid in the form of a ‘loan’ of two million Dutch guilders by the Jewish merchant, Antonio Lopez Suasso, to take him across the Channel. Although this has been kept out of the history books, it can be seen that Jewish money-changers were the real power behind the scenes controlling events. As pointed out, for valuable services rendered, William allowed the Jews to establish their misnamed ‘Bank of England’, which effectively gave them control over the country’s affairs.Thus was instituted the National Debt and the conversion of the English into tax and debt slaves. A recent issue of £20 notes confirmed this by printing the six-pointed so-called ‘Star of David’ on one side, slightly disguised but clearly visible to the discerning mind. In fact a lie is printed across the top of every banknote: it should be ‘Bank of the Jews’. With help of their paid lackeys William III and John Churchill, the Jews founded the ‘Bank of England’ in 1694 and they have controlled it ever since.

  5. Allied War Crimes..

    But were the Americans, in fact, the real victors? In the wake of the advancing American forces a sinister fifth column followed, the members of which in ninety-nine percent of cases were not Americans. This revengeful army was made up of emigrants from Eastern European countries, of black-market operators from Brooklyn
    ghettos, of Czech, Polish and Hungarian Jews who took refuge in London and of criminal inmates from the liberated concentration camps. They filled all major and minor posts in the C.I.C. organised according to the Morgenthau Plan; they swarmed in the O.S.S., in the various commissions searching for war criminals, as well as in the American security organisations. They became mayors of German towns and commandants of P.O.W. camps. They administered La Guardia’s U.N.R.R.A. They occupied key positions in the American forces and thus exercised control over them. There were only 2,524 German war criminals on the original list of
    the U.N., but soon the C.I.C. and the American conquerors were conducting a search for one million German “war criminals” P.114

    Bleiburg British 8th Army Massacre Officer Confessions.700000 Croats Slaughtered.

    “British and allied troops appearing as defendants in war crimes trials with brutal Serbs and former Red Army thugs is well overdue”, says 20th Century analyst, Michael Walsh. His research exposes allied genocide, enslavement and institutionalized ill treatment of axis prisoners-of-war both during and after World War 11.

    He says, “the scale of abuse of prisoners-of-war was contrary to the Geneva and other conventions to which Britain and its allies were signatories. As late as 1948, three years after the war’s end, the British Government’s treatment of its foreign prisoners was subject to International Red Cross scrutiny and international condemnation. The IRC threatened to bring the British government before international tribunals for abuse and illegal enslavement. Typically, British administered prisoner-of-war camps were worse than Belsen long after the war had ended and war disruption ceased. Tragically even civilians were illegally held, deported and murdered in the tens of thousands whilst the evil killers responsible have so far evaded justice.


    Adding to international outrage, Cyril Connolly, one of England’s most acclaimed writers reported: “British guards imprisoned German troops and tortured them.” He described how “they were so possessed by propaganda about German ‘Huns’ that they obviously enjoyed demonstrating their atrocities to visiting journalists. A British reporter named Moorehead who was present at these ‘torture fests’ observed that ‘a young British medical officer and a captain of engineers managed the Bergen-Belsen camp. “The captain was in the best of moods,” he said. “When we approached the cells of gaoled guards, the sergeant lost his temper.” The captain explained. ‘This morning we had an interrogation. I’m afraid the prisoners don’t look exactly nice.’

    The cells were opened for the visiting journalists. “The German prisoners lay there, crumpled, moaning, covered with gore. The man next to me made vain attempts to get to his feet and finally managed to stand up. He stood there trembling, and tried to stretch out his arms as if fending off blows. “Up!” yelled the sergeant. “Come off the wall.”

    “They pushed themselves off from the wall and stood there, swaying. In another cell the medical officer had just finished an interrogation. “Up.” yelled the officer. “Get up.” The man lay in his blood on the floor. He propped two arms on a chair and tried to pull himself up. A second demand and he succeeded in getting to his feet. He stretched his arms towards us. “Why don’t you kill me off?” he moaned.

    “The dirty bastard is jabbering this all morning.” the sergeant stated. (3)


    Former British Army veteran A.W Perkins of Holland-on-Sea described conditions in the ‘Sennelager’ British concentration camp, which shockingly held, not captured troops but civilians. He recounts; “During the latter half of 1945 I was with British troops guarding suspected Nazi civilians living on starvation rations in a camp called Sennelager. They were frequently beaten and grew as thin as concentration camp victims, scooping handfuls of swill from our waste bins.”

    This ex-guard described how other guards amused themselves by baiting starving prisoners. “They could be shot on sight if they ventured close to the perimeter fence. It was a common trick to throw a cigarette just inside the fence and shoot any prisoner who tried to reach it.” (4).

    “When Press representatives ask to examine the prison camps, the British loudly refuse with the excuse that the Geneva Convention bars such visits to prisoner-of-war camps.” complained press correspondent Arthur Veysey from London on May 28th 1946.


    Typically “The prisoners lived through the winter in tents and slept on the bare ground under one blanket each. They say they are underfed and beaten and kicked by guards. Many have no underclothes or boots.” reported the Chicago Tribune Press Service on 19 May 1946 one year after the war’s end.


    Tens of thousands of middle-European peoples, displaced by the war who fell into British hands were treated even worse in British controlled Austria and Yugoslavia. There, Britain and the NKVD ran the concentration camps jointly. The latter, forerunners to the evil KGB, were invited to assist the British in the capture and corralling, deportation and slaughter of their captives.

    One British officer described how “The prisoners (civilians) were treated coarsely but not brutally. They were pushed and shoved but there was no resistance, no fighting or trying to get back or get away. They were all completely docile, resigned to their fate. The soldiers collected them all quickly into groups and marched them away to be machine-gunned in groups.’

    The British officer added, ‘some of them didn’t get very far I’m afraid. At the back of the station there was a wood, a copse, and they seemed to be marched behind this copse. Shortly afterwards there were quite a number of sustained bursts of machine-gun fire. I can’t say for certain what happened, because I couldn’t see the shooting. But I am pretty sure that a lot of them were shot there and then, not on the siding itself but just around the corner of the wood.”

    This is typical of many accounts when units of the British Army working with Red Army NKVD officers, hunted down and butchered tens of thousands of Cossack civilian refugees including children in Austria, in summer, 1945 after the war had ended.


    Tens of thousands of people of many nationalities were hunted down and rounded up like cattle to be taken to the Red Army’s killing fields. One account described how ‘the whole train was bespattered with blood. They were open-plan carriages, and I remember the bloodstains where bodies had been dragged right down the corridor between the seats and down three of four steps. The lavatories were absolutely covered in blood….”

    “Another such patrol, consisting of two Red Army officers and four British soldiers set off into the hills on horseback on June 8th. They captured one such group on the lower slopes…. “The Cossacks ran off, leaving just a few, mainly women and children who were too weak to move. One soldier spotted a Cossack in the distance, aimed his rifle at him, fired and saw him drop. …. As he was not seen to rise again it was assumed he had been killed.”

    Captain Duncan McMillan remembers, ‘Being guided to a small railway station where there was a barbed-wire enclosure’ He saw the Cossacks being unloaded from the trucks and described how they were stripped of their possessions, even food before being marched away. ‘Many British soldiers who were there have testified that they heard the rattle of machine-guns nearby just moments after the prisoners were removed.” James Davidson said: “We thought that machine-gunning must be the finish of them. We thought they were just taken back there and slaughtered.”

    These awful accounts were described in Nicholas Bethell’s book, The Last Secret published by Futura, (London) in 1974. The English legal apparatus suppressed further accounts.


    In August 1946 15 months after the end of the Second World War, according to the International Red Cross, “Britain had 460,000 German prisoners slaving for her.” This was in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention (Enslavement of Prisoners-of-War is a violation of the Geneva Convention. Article.75) which Britain was a signatory to. Arthur Veysey of the Chicago Tribune Press Service on May 28th 1946 reported “When they (German POWs) learned upon arrival in British and French ports they were to be worked indefinitely as slaves, they became sullen.”


    Arthur Veysey appalled by the British government’s abuse of human rights and the illegality of its evil slave-ownership policies and defiance of the Geneva Convention said, “The British Government nets over $250,000,000 annually from its slaves. The Government, which frankly calls itself the ‘owner’ of the prisoners, hires the men out to any employer needing men, charging the going rate for such work, usually $15 to $20 a week. It pays the slaves from 10 to 20 cents a day. The prisoners are never paid in cash, but are given credits either in the form of vouchers or credits.”


    When American attempts were made to prevent Stalin from abducting five million Germans, many of them civilians including children, as slave laborers after Germany’s defeat, the Soviets made their point. They produced a proclamation signed by General Dwight Eisenhower a year earlier, which gave the Soviets complete freedom to do whatever, they wished with captured Germans. This included deportation, enslavement; to loot and destroy without restraint, even using German transport to do so. They reminded the US Government that they had an equal right to do as the Americans were doing and were exercising the same right.

    Eyewitness accounts describe events when Berlin and Breslau surrendered. “The long grey-green columns of prisoners were marched east downcast and fearful towards huge depots near Leningrad, Moscow, Minsk, Stalingrad, Kiev, Kharkov and Sevastopol. All fit men had to march 22 miles a day. Those physically handicapped went in handcarts or carts pulled by spare beasts.” This was reported in the Congressional Record on March 29th 1946.


    By August 1946 France according to the International Red Cross had enslaved nearly three-quarters of a million former German servicemen. Of these 475,000 had been captured by the Americans who ‘in a deal’ had transferred them to French control for the expressed purpose of forced labour. Interestingly in a macabre way, the French returned 2,474 German POWs complaining that they were weaklings. (5)

    Those returned must indeed have been in a bad way for the 472,526 remaining slaves had already been described by correspondents as; “a beggar army of pale, thin men clad in vermin infested tatters.” All were pronounced unfit for work, three quarters of them due to deliberate starvation. Of this unfortunate ‘army’ of slaves 19% were so badly treated they needed to be hospitalized (6)

    In the notorious camp in the Sarthe District for 20,000 prisoners, inmates received just 900 calories a day; thus 12 died every day in the hospital. Four to five thousand are unable to work any more. Recently trains with new prisoners arrived at the camp; several prisoners had died during the trip, several others had tried to stay alive by eating coal that had been lying in the freight train by which they came. (7)

    On December 5th 1946 the American Government requested the repatriation (by October 1, 1947) to Germany of the 674,000 German prisoners-of-war it had handed over to France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg.

    France agreed in principle but refused to abide by the release date stipulated. They pointed out, correctly, that a December 1st 1945 memorandum clearly stated that German prisoners handed over to the French by the US Government ‘were chattels to be used indefinitely as forced labour’. (8)


    The German armed forces invariably obeyed the Rules of War conventions to the letter. Speaking for himself and other allied military commanders, Major General Robert W. Grow, U.S.A. Commander 6th Armored Division in Europe conceded there was ‘no German atrocity problem’.

    “My service during World War Two was in command of an armored division throughout the European campaign, from Normandy to Saxony. My division lost quite a number of officers and men captured between July 1944 and April 1945. In no instance did I hear of personnel from our division receiving treatment other than proper under the ‘Rules of Land Warfare’. As far as the 6th Armored Division was concerned in its 280 days of front line contact, there was no ‘atrocity problem’. Frankly, I was aghast, as were many of my contemporaries, when we learned of the proposed ‘war crimes’ trials and the fact that military commanders were among the accused. I know of no general officer who approved of them.” (9)

    Despite the German observance of convention the American forces response was often as summary and as brutal as those practiced by their Soviet allies. Only in cases where large numbers of captured soldiers had been taken were they to be enslaved. If captured in smaller groups the US Army policy was simply to slaughter their captured prisoners where they stood.

    A specific study is now being made for the purpose of compiling evidence of such atrocities to which the author, Michael Walsh, would appreciate input.

    One such case was the cold-blooded slaying of an estimated 700 troops of the 8th SS Mountain Division. These troops who had fought with honorable distinction had earlier captured a US field hospital. Although the German troops had conducted themselves properly they were, when subsequently captured by the US Army, routinely separated and gunned down in groups by squads of American troops.


    A similar fate befell infantrymen of the SS Westphalia Brigade who were captured by the US 3rd Armored Division. Most of the German captives were shot through the back of the head. “The jubilant Americans told the locals to leave their bodies in the streets as a warning to others of US revenge” Their corpses lay in the streets for five days before the occupying forces relented and allowed the corpses to be buried. After the war the German authorities attempted, without success, to prosecute the GIs responsible. (10)

    Ironically in the light of postwar research it has been revealed that the only atrocities committed at Dachau were those carried out by the victorious allies. Equally ironically this camp was an allied concentration camp (eleven years) for a longer period of time than it was a German administered camp. There, “Three hundred SS camp guards were quickly neutralized.” on the orders of General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    The term neutralized of course is a politically correct (or cowardly) way of saying that prisoners-of-war were rounded up and machine-gunned in groups. Accounts of the mass murder of prisoners-of-war at Dachau have been described in at least two books; ‘The Day of the Americans by Nerin Gun, Fleet Publishing Company, New York, and, Deliverance Day – The Last Hours at Dachau by Michael Selzer; Lippincot, Philadelphia

    These books describe how German prisoners were collected in groups, placed against a wall and methodically machine-gunned by American soldiers while some were still standing, hands raised in surrender. American soldiers casually climbed over the still twitching bodies, killing the wounded. Whilst this was happening, American photographers were taking pictures of the massacres that have since been published.

    At Dachau, which was in the American zone of Germany, a shock force of American and Polish guards attempted to entrain a group of Russian prisoners from Vlasov’s Army who had refused to be repatriated under the new American ruling.


    ‘All of these men refused to entrain,’ Robert Murphy wrote in his report of the incident. ‘They begged to be shot. They resisted entrainment by taking off their clothes and refusing to leave their quarters…. Tear-gas forced them out of the building into the snow where those who had cut and stabbed themselves fell exhausted and bleeding in the snow. Nine men hanged themselves and one had stabbed himself to death and one other who had stabbed himself subsequently died; while twenty others are still in hospital from self-inflicted wounds. The entrainment was finally effected of 368 men.” (11)

    “The last operation of this kind in Germany took place at Plattling near Regensburg, where fifteen hundred men of Vlasov’s Army had been interned by the Americans. In the early hours of February 24th, 1946, they were driven out of their huts wearing only their night-clothes, and handed over to the Russians in the forest near the Bavarian-Czech border. Before the train set off on its return journey the American guards were horrified to see the bodies of Vlasov’s men who had already committed suicide hanging in rows from trees, and when they returned to Plattling even the German SS prisoners in the nearby POW camp jeered at them for what they had done.” (13)

    According to the Toronto Daily Star, March, 9th, 1968, “Former members of an illegal Israeli force which was given absolute freedom to slaughter Germans conceded that “More than 1,000 Nazi SS Officers died as a result of eating arsenic-impregnated bread introduced April, 13th, 1946, in an American-run prisoner-of-war camp near Nuremberg.”

    After the US victory (the battle for Remagen Bridge) Germans in the Rhineland surrendered en masse. Between April and July 1945, some 260,000 German prisoners-of-war were held under American guard in the boggy fields between Remagen and Sinzig. They were kept in the open air and their daily ration was one potato, a biscuit, a spoonful of vegetables and some water. Racked by disease, at least 1,200 died, according to German records.” (14)


    In the USA where 140,000 German prisoners-of-war were shipped, the Catholic Bishops Conference described how, “Multitudes of civilians and prisoners of war have been deported and degraded into forced labor unworthy of human beings.”

    “Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are put like slaves to forced labor, although the only thing with which they can be reproached is the fact that they were soldiers. Many of these poor fellows are without news from home and have not been allowed to send a sign of life to their dear ones.”


    United States 140,000 (US Occupation Zone of which 100,000 were held in France, 30,000 in Italy, 14,000 in Belgium. Great Britain 460,000 German slaves. The Soviet Union 4,000,000 – 5,000,000 estimated. France had 680,000 German slaves by August 1946. Yugoslavia 80,000, Belgium 48,000, Czechoslovakia 45,000, Luxembourg 4,000, Holland 1,300. Source: International Red Cross.


    An outraged International Red Cross organization opined: “The United States, Britain and France, nearly a year after peace are violating International Red Cross agreements they solemnly signed in 1929. Although thousands of former German soldiers are being used in the hazardous work of clearing minefields, sweeping sea mines and razing shattered buildings, the Geneva Convention expressly forbids employing prisoners ‘in any dangerous labour or in the transport of any material used in warfare.’


    By contrast the German armed forces behaved impeccably towards their prisoners-of-war. “The most amazing thing about the atrocities in this war is that there have been so few of them. I have come up against few instances where the Germans have not treated prisoners according to the rules, and respected the Red Cross reported respected newspaper The Progressive February, 4th1945.

    Allan Wood, London Correspondent of the London Express agreed. “The Germans even in their greatest moments of despair obeyed the Convention in most respects. True it is that there were front line atrocities – passions run high up there – but they were incidents, not practices, and misadministration of their American prison camps was very uncommon.” Lieutenant Newton L. Marguiles echoed his words.

    US Assistant Judge Advocate, Jefferson Barracks, April 27th1945. “It is true that the Reich exacted forced labour from foreign workers, but it is also true that, they were for the most part paid and fed well.”

    “I think some of the persons found themselves better off than at any time in their lives before.” added Dr.James K.Pollack, Allied Military Government.

    “What did the Germans do to get efficient production from forced labour that we were not able to do with Germans working down the mines? They fed their help and fed them well.” Said Max H. Forester, Chief of AMG’s Coal and Mining Division in July 1946.

    ⁣No Evidence Of Genocide
    One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: “In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp …” (Vol. III, p. 83).

    Bleiburg British 8th Army- massacre confessions-700000 Croats after WW2 ended.

    Piles of Corpses at Dachau, Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers Staged for Propaganda by Jews in US Military.In 1977, during a visit to New York and Cape May, I recounted the story of the trainload of dying German prisoners to two former US officers. They had both been stationed in Heidelberg shortly after the war and they knew all about it. They agreed that the cattle cars were filled with captured German soldiers who were infected with typhus and dysentery.On a sunny day in mid-June 1945, I hopped on a freight train and went to Erfurt. The train stopped about a kilometer and a half before the station, so I shouldered my rucksack and began walking toward the station. I soon noticed a freight train of about 20 cattle cars sitting on a side track. A bad odor was coming from that direction. As I came closer I saw hands protruding from ventilation holes and heard sounds of moaning, so I crossed several tracks and approached the cattle cars. The people inside noticed me and began crying “Water, comrade, water!” Then I reached the train and recognized the terrible stench of feces and rotting corpses. The sliding doors and ventilation holes were crisscrossed with barbed wire securely nailed. Urine and partially dried feces oozed from under the sliding doors and between the boards.…They were in fact unwitting extras in a movie being made by Alfred Hitchcock, the Hollywood horror-film specialist. He had been awarded a contract to make a movie about concentration camps for the Nuremberg tribunal.

    The I.G. Farben plant at Auschwitz-Monowitz was first photographed on an American reconnaissance flight on April 4, 1944. When analyzing the aerial photos, Royal Air Force specialists identified various production facilities of I.G. Auschwitz as targets for strategic aerial warfare. Additional recon flights followed between late May and mid-August 1944. The first sizable bombing raid by the 15thU.S. Army Air Force on the plant buildings of I.G. Auschwitz took place on August 20, 1944. Because of the heavy escort of 100 P-51 Mustang fighters, only one of the 127 bombers employed was shot down. The attack inflicted considerable damage on the production facilities of I.G. Auschwitz. Monowitz prisoner Adam Szaller managed to escape during the strike. According to the testimony of Monowitz prisoner Siegfried Pinkus, “around 75 prisoners were killed” in this raid, and “more than 150 prisoners were injured, some only slightly, others seriously.”[1] Pinkus held the plant managers of I.G. Auschwitz jointly responsible for this, because they had forbidden prisoners to take cover in self-made shelters.

    Auschwitz produced synthetic rubber, medical and armament supplies………………..
    Holocaust deprogramming course.Supposedly the most dreaded of German camps, Auschwitz was visited monthly by International Red Cross inspection teams who were allowed to speak to prisoner representatives alone, in order to hear first-hand of any mistreatment, chicanery, interruption of mail and parcel delivery, health concerns, food and ration matters etc.

    Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres in the earthly hell of the death camps of Czechoslovakia. The Sudeten German White Paper records these horrors with full details on more than 1,000 pages, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Armed Czech women and Jewesses continued hitting the womb of expectant mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one single camp ten German women died daily in this way.

    Hellstorm – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full Documentary)

    Juin declared to his Goumiers (Moroccan soldiers in French service) before the battle(Monte Cassino): “For 50 hours you will be the absolute masters of what you will find beyond the enemy. Nobody will punish you for what you do, nobody will ask what you will get up to.”

    1970-76 – The Daily Mail, of April 19, 2014, states that during this period, ‘Sinn Fein figures’ were patrons of the Elm Guest House, a boy brothel in London, reportedly run by MI5.
    Ian Hurst (aka Martin Ingram) was a British spy.
    Ian Hurst has claimed that the ‘IRA boss’ Martin McGuinness reported to MI6.

    “World history: There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbours the true causes and occurrences.” Honore de Balzac
    For many years Churchill had maintained a close professional, but secretive relationship with the Irish Republican Army, an organisation which had long been totally infiltrated and controlled by British security services – and indeed still is to this day. Churchill was not at all coy of using them for his own purposes. He had used one of its members in the murder of Smith-Cumming and was more than ready to use the same method once again.

    According to Bacque between 1941 and 1950 around one and a half to two million German prisoners of war died, whilst a further five million seven hundred thousand German civilians died between 1946 and 1950, largely, Bacque maintains, as a result of Allied policy. In all Bacques estimates that between nine and half and fourteen million ethnic Germans, German prisoners of war and civilians were to die in these iniquities. Part of the blame for this can be laid at the feet of Josef Stalin who, through his propaganda minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, actually encouraged the rape and degradation of the German civilian population. Allied War Crimes 1941-1950 by Rixon Stewart

    …”it is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theater.” [2008] Eisenhower’s Holocaust – His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans

    His best estimate is that some three million Germans, military and civilians, died unnecessarily after the official end of hostilities. A million of these were men who were being held as prisoners of war, most of whom died in Soviet captivity. (Of the 90,000 Germans who surrendered at Stalingrad, for example, only 5,000 ever returned to their homeland.) Less well known is the story of the many thousands of German prisoners who died in American and British captivity, most infamously in horrid holding camps along the Rhine river, with no shelter and very little food. Others, more fortunate, toiled as slave labor in Allied countries, often for years.
    Most of the two million German civilians who perished after the end of the war were women, children and elderly — victims of disease, cold, hunger, suicide, and mass murder.
    Apart from the wide-scale rape of millions of German girls and woman in the Soviet occupation zones, perhaps the most shocking outrage recorded by MacDonogh is the slaughter of a quarter of a million Sudeten Germans by their vengeful Czech compatriots.New Book Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two

    According to Bacque, given the extraordinarily harsh conditions imposed upon them by the Allies (i.e., the British, French, Soviets, and Americans), at least 9.3 million and possibly as many as 13.7 million Germans, had, by 1950, needlessly died as a result.A Review of James Bacque's "Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950" by Eric Blair.

    After the Reich: The Brutal History of Allied Occupation by Giles MacDonogh
    His best estimate is that some three million Germans, military and civilians, died unnecessarily after the official end of hostilities…..Most of the two million German civilians who perished after the end of the war were women, children and elderly — victims of disease, cold, hunger, suicide, and mass murder…..perhaps the most shocking outrage recorded by MacDonogh is the slaughter of a quarter of a million Sudeten Germans by their vengeful Czech compatriots……We are ceaselessly reminded of the Third Reich痴 wartime concentration camps. But few Americans are aware that such infamous camps as Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz stayed in business after the end of the war, only now packed with German captives, many of whom perished miserably.

    ‘Weeks before you entered this house, its tenants were living in constant fright and fear,’ the rich German publisher Hans-Dietrich Muller Grote wrote to President Truman about the place he stayed in during the Potsdam conference of July 1945.
    ‘By day and by night, plundering Russian soldiers went in and out, raping my sisters before their own parents and children, beating up my old parents. All furniture, wardrobes and trunks were smashed with bayonets and rifle butts, their contents soiled and destroyed in an indescribable manner.’

    In a recently published book by the Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, Richard Evans, a young Russian officer is quoted recalling how when his unit overtook a column of fleeing German refugees: ‘Women, mothers and their children lie to the right and left along the route, and in front of each of them stands a raucous armada of men with their trousers down. The women, who are bleeding or losing consciousness, get shoved to one side, and our men shoot the ones who try to save their children.’ A group of ‘grinning’ officers ensured that ‘every soldier without exception would take part’.
    Evans records: ‘Rape was often accompanied by torture and mutilation and frequently ends in the victim being shot or bludgeoned to death. The raging violence was undiscriminating.’ The insistence on the men watching the rapes was deliberate policy, intended ‘to underline the humiliation’.
    Underlying all this foul inhumanity was the way the German Army and its allies had behaved during its invasion of Russia.
    That was clearly not the only explanation – it doesn’t explain why the Red Army raped Poles, Czechs and Yugoslavs and even Russian women, for example – for that one has to delve deep into the darkest recesses of the male psyche.

    Both during and after the war, the Allies tortured German prisoners. In one British center in England, called “the London Cage,” German prisoners were subjected to systematic ill-treatment, including starvation and beatings. The brutality continued for several years after the end of the war. Treatment of German prisoners by the British was even more harsh in the British occupation zone of Germany. At the US internment center at Schwäbisch Hall in southwest Germany, prisoners awaiting trial by American military courts were subjected to severe and systematic torture, including long stretches in solitary confinement, extremes of heat and cold, deprivation of sleep and food, and severe beatings, including kicks to the groin.According to revelations by members of the House of Commons, about 130,000 former German officers and men were held during the winter of 1945-46 in British camps in Belgium under
    At that time (End Of WW2) German POWs (Especially those from the Waffen SS) were brutally tortured. After the Second World War, the Allies wanted to extort by torture,(for example, destruction of the testicles) confessions to bring Germans to the gallows and to collect arguments for the re-education of the German people. Among others are the so-called confessions in Malmedy process.
    All practices of medieval torture methods were used. As an example, because of alleged involvement in the shooting of Allied airmen the sergeant accused Schmitz who vigorously denied what the interrogators wanted. “Fisher began to rage … He put the gun to Schmitz’s temporal and called again for another statement. Schmitz said nothing. And then the blows rained down with the gun over his head, the lieutenant hit him several times on the face. With a bloody nose and burst scalp Schmitz was returned to his solitary confinement. Pointner, Witzke and Albrecht had previously been treated with the same methods for many weeks They signed what was presented to them the next day.
    (KW Hammerstein, “Landsberg – executioner of the law”, Wuppertal, 1952, page 104)
    One of the most notorious was the infamous Major Abraham Levine.Most found that the interrogations took place only in the evening or at night. Fisher and Levine tortured the prisoners. About the methods in Landsberg reported KW Hammerstein. ‘Sometimes the condemned in Schwitzzellen were kept in rooms with 80 degrees temperature in order to ‘burn’.

    • Wonderful compilation, thanks Eddie88. I am saving all your links.

      I have just been working through the speeches of Adolf Hitler (looking for the ‘smoking gun’, so to speak).

      • Adolf Hitler – Collection of Speeches – 1922-1945

      In particular, I had just been highlighting sections in this speech (also see other speeches from 1938)

      • Adolf Hitler – speech in Sportpalast – Berlin, September 26, 1938

      A short extract:

      “One man who expressed this in a rather frank manner was the French Minister of Aviation, Pierre Cot, who said: “We need this state [Czechoslovakia] as a base from which to launch bombs with greater ease to destroy German’s economy and its industry.” And now Bolshevism resorts to this state as a means of entry. It was not us who sought contact with Bolshevism, rather it was Bolshevism that used this state to open venues to Central Europe.

      And now we face the last great problem that must be resolved and that will be resolved! It is the last territorial demand I shall make in Europe. It is a demand which I shall insist upon and a demand which I will satisfy so God will! A short history of this problem: Waving the banner of the right to self determination of the peoples, Central Europe was torn apart in 1918 as certain crazed statesmen set to redraw the political landscape. Atomized and divided, new states were arbitrarily created in Central Europe in complete disregard of the origins of their peoples, their national desires, and of economic necessities.

      It is to this process that Czechoslovakia owes its existence.

      The Czech state was born a lie. The name of the father of the lie was Beneš.
      He made his great appearance in Versailles, claiming that there was such a thing as a Czechoslovakian nation. He resorted to this lie to make his own people sound, despite their meager numbers, more important and to lend credence to its demand for greater influence. At the time, the Anglo-Saxon powers, renowned for their great lack of knowledge in geographic and volkisch matters, did not deem it necessary to investigate Beneš’ claim. Otherwise they most certainly would have realized that there is no such thing as a Czechoslovakian nation.[408] All there is are Czechs and Slovaks and the Slovaks have little desire of being with the Czechs, rather . . . In the end, thanks to the efforts of Herr Beneš, the Czechs annexed Slovakia. Since this state did not appear to be a viable structure, they simply took three and a half million Germans in clear defiance of the rights and desires of the Germans for self- determination. Since that evidently did not suffice, the Czechs took another million of Magyars, adding a number of Carpatho-Russians and several hundreds of thousands of Poles.

      That is the state that would later call itself Czechoslovakia. It exists contrary to the clear desire and will of the nations thus raped and in clear defiance of their right to self- determination. As I speak to you today, I naturally have pity on the fate of these oppressed peoples. I am touched by the fate of these Slovaks, Poles, Hungarians, and Ukrainians. Yet I can only be the voice of the fate of my Germans.”

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