Report: Fauci’s NIH Division Funded Hundreds of Ticks Sucking on Puppies Alive

IMAGE: Twitter

By Hannah Bleau | 29 October 2021

BREITBART — Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding an experiment at Kansas State University involving hundreds of ticks feasting on puppies injected with a mutant bacteria, alive.

The taxpayer watchdog White Coat Waste Project (WCW) obtained the revealing documents through FOIA, showing that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Fauci, gave the school $536,311 for the project this year.

The experiment involves injecting beagle puppies with mutant bacteria and subsequently allowing “up to 250 ticks feast on each of the puppies, sucking their blood for up to a week,” according to WCW.

Investigative journalist Leighton Woodhouse detailed the effects of the mutant strains of the bacteria on the dogs:

A 2020 paper based on the experiment’s findings reported that, for that funding cycle, the researchers bought 18 six month-old beagles from a commercial breeder. The researchers created mutant strains of the bacteria Ehrlichia chaffeensis in a laboratory and infected the beagles with them. The E chaffeensis bacteria can cause fever, respiratory distress, weight loss, bleeding disorders, neurological disturbances, anemia, bleeding, lameness and eye problems in dogs. After infecting them, the researchers allowed 200 ticks to feed on each of the beagles for a week, to see whether the ticks would take up the mutated versions of the bacteria.

The puppies have their blood tested two times a week for two months and are killed thereafter, according to the watchdog. Each year, 28 beagle puppies are killed for this particular study. The watchdog estimates the number of dogs killed throughout the duration of the entire experiment, which began December 15, 2007, to be “between 126 and 138 dogs.” […]

6 Comments on Report: Fauci’s NIH Division Funded Hundreds of Ticks Sucking on Puppies Alive

  1. The rage I feel for this Fauci creature, not only what he’s done to innocent helpless dogs, but to the innocent Human sheeple cannot really be put into words.

  2. You made me laugh with the ‘creature’ description.

    Truly his head should be on a silver plate, along with others responsible.

    Better yet, put in a cage with a lion.



    Dr. Martin Haskell giving a presentation at the 16th Annual Meeting of the National Abortion Federation Conference in 1992 in San Diego. It was a gathering of abortionists — men and women who make their living by killing babies. Haskell was describing to his audience how to do a partial-birth abortion. Listen to his words about how this procedure takes place:

    “The surgeon then introduces large grasping forceps … through the vaginal and cervical canal … He moves the tip of the instrument carefully towards the fetal lower extremities — and pulls the extremity into the vagina …The surgeon then uses his fingers to deliver the opposite lower extremity, then the torso, the shoulders, and the upper extremities. The skull lodges in the internal os. The fetus is oriented … spine up … The surgeon then takes a pair of blunt curved Metzenbaum scissors in the right hand. … the surgeon then forces the scissors into the base of the skull–spreads the scissors to enlarge the opening. The surgeon–surgeon then introduces a suction catheter into this hole and evacuates the skull contents.”

    Haskell, having described these brutal details, shows his audience a video of himself doing one of these procedures. And at the end of the video, after the sound of the suction machine taking the brains out of the baby’s head, the audience applauds.

  4. A sad commentary on the American people that Fauci has shown himself as a hack, liar, and fraudster since the summer of 2020 and it took the story of him abusing dogs for his sick experiments to finally get people to rise against him.

    • ‘By their fruits ye shall know them.’ This is why antIChrist ‘cover up’ is the essential oil of much of recorded history- especially since the Gutenberg press.

      Also the book ‘Lab 257’ describes similar experiments on a variety of animals during the peak freewheeling post war ‘science’ of the 1950s & ‘60s.

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