Posts and video footage mentioned in this one hour conversation. Don brings a lot to the table.
- Orlando Pulse ‘Shooting’ Skulduggery — Smoking Guns Galore
- Dylann Storm Roof’s Arrest Interview Was One Big Conflicting Story
- In the Wake of the Series of Hate Hoaxes: Time to Reexamine the Charlottesville ‘Car Assault’. Was it a Staged Deception?
- Something Happened at the Berlin Christmas Market — the Question is What
- Shoes in Staged Deceptions and False Flags as Both Calling Cards and Black Magik
Giant Westminster bridge woman:
Its TIME..
Our military is even questioning why they aren’t doing anything.
Empirical evidence that two cars were used in Charlottesville. (update: could not find anywhere except in my own files. Will send in email attachment if requested) There were two “attack vehicle” Dodge Challengers; same style, color and year, but obviously different with respect to crash damage that was impossible to perfectly replicate, and could expectedly be hidden by too few looking closely enough. No forensic specialist needed; the differences were obvious if anyone cares to look.
IMO, for a first viewing there are too many points to follow. Rather get to the gap between the passenger side door and fender on what he refers to as the operation day car, and the lack of a gap on the stunt day car. (stunt day car at 0:19:29>no large gap at door seam where it hinges, passenger side)<>compare<>(gap between door and fender and misalignment of fender at top of door seam where it hinges, passenger side, on the operation day car, 0:14:04). Two cars are proved. A prearranged, staged, planned, false flag and mass participation event. The stunt, done probably the day before, was spliced into a grotesque, poorly acted and inconsistent subject of fake reportage. The stunt actors, a cast of extras and kinetic props, were no more bewildering to curious onlookers, if there was some who didn’t check in, than what might appear on a movie shoot. Unbelievable? Not at all. Preposterous? Absolutely. There is no single word for the level of betrayal that these many willing and knowing participants are involved in.