Goofy movie fails with attempt to create horror plotline about white woman who asks black neighbors to move their trash cans
By Gabriel Keane | 22 June 2021
NATIONAL FILE — An upcoming liberal “horror” film that attempts to capitalize on ancient internet memes about fictional white women named “Karen” who call the police on black people has received intense criticism and mockery from the black community, primarily for being a “Get Out” ripoff that amounts to nothing more than an incredibly cringe blaxploitation flick.
In the trailer for “Karen,” the titular character is seen engaging in deeply depraved and bigoted behaviors, such as committing “microaggressions,” informing neighbors where to leave their trash cans after pickup, and owning a Confederate flag soap dispenser. Her victims – an upper-middle class heterosexual black couple who are smarter and better looking than Karen – recoil in horror as she asks them to lower their conversation volume in restaurants.
The culmination of the movie appears to involve “Karen” calling the police on black people, and chasing them around with a gun while spouting off goofy one-liners such as “bad things happen to people that don’t comply.” The mandatory Hollywood trope of the white female “Karen” character secretly being sexually infatuated with a black male character also appears to figure heavily into the plot, as do racist police officers with stereotypical Southern accents. […]
Why wouldn’t any whaite person want negroes living next door?
40,000 homicides: Retracing 63 years of murder in Chicago
By Kyle Bentle, Jonathon Berlin, Ryan Marx and Kori Rumore
Apr 27, 2021
Chicago saw a homicide total lower in 2020 of 770, a tragic jump over the 496 from 2019. The spike in violent crime that has plagued Chicago since 2016 has even more gravity when viewed in comparison with six decades of homicides in Chicago.
Since 1957, the city has had homicide totals of 700, 27 of 63 years, and has been lower than 500 a third of the time, 20 of 62 years. To understand this long-term view, the Tribune asked two experts to give perspective as to what was behind Chicago crime decade by decade, and combed through news coverage going back to the 1960s.
The Tribune turned to John Hagedorn, a professor of criminology at the University of Illinois at Chicago who has written extensively on Chicago’s gangs as well as Wyndell Watkins, a retired Washington, D.C., deputy chief of police with more than 40 years of public safety experience. Here is a closer look at the numbers and some of the influences behind them.
“Truth Is:”
1.”Exact and permanent;
Whenever the truth is changed or modified it is no longer truth, but a lie, and
If you can find a lie, it will often lead and point you to the truth.
Remember, those who are trying to deceive you are counting on one thing, that you won’t check or verify what they say…
Wyndell Watkins
See can you find INCOG MAN on the Internet.
He gave the hard facts on the type of people that are destroying America.