Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult

Many Jews, Freemasons, liberals, socialists and feminists have unwittingly been inducted into a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabalaand Communism.  Society increasingly serves this ruling cult, the Illuminati. As I explained, Satanism is dedicated to deprograming/undoing the natural order. This is seen in the attack on heterosexuality and the promotion of everything sick and unnatural. The key point is that if you take your cues from the government, schools and MSM, you will become sick and dysfunctional.

A satanic cult inverts healthy and unhealthy, natural and unnatural so, for example  heterosexuality is treated as a pathology while homosexuality is natural. Similarly, it inverts beauty and ugliness, truth and lies, justice and injustice, making evil seem good. It controls its members by corrupting and making them sick. Its members are dysfunctional and identify with their condition. The real occult meaning of “revolution,” is supplanting God with Lucifer, turning reality upside down.

The cult controls us by making us sick, physically and/or psychologically. The cult makes its members sick and then sells them a “cure.” Healthcare is a $1.7 trillion industry in the US, surpassing even “Defence.” One in 10 Americans now takes an antidepressant medication; among women in their 40s and 50s, the figure is one in four.

(updated from Jan 16, 2015)

By Henry Makow, PhD | 3 February 2020
(Trump signals his real loyalty, to Cabalist cult.)

1.  There is a distinction between the “initiated” and the general population which is kept in the dark. They are not told the cult’s true objectives (to exploit and enslave them) but are deceived instead with noble sounding platitudes. Leaders (part of the “initiated”) routinely lie to the people as in the case of false flags, assassinations and wars.

2.  The symbols of the cult are everywhere and its monuments (obelisks) dot our cities. Illuminati motifs are also prominent in corporate logos. Illuminati bankers control most corporations.

Charlie-Hebdo-cartoon3-228x300.jpg(Left, Christ depicted screwing God. Note the Illuminati pyramid and eye in Christ’s ass. Blasphemy permitted when Christians are the target. )

  1. They deny that humans have a divine soul that is connected with a spiritual and moral order. Mention of “God” and a universal design and intelligence are suppressed. “God” is a dirty word. Instead of God, (conscience) we are required to obey the cult leaders and their factotums. Believers in God (or Christ) are persecuted. By denying our Divine soul, they define us as simply animals who can be domesticated or culled. They encourage us to degrade ourselves by indulging our animal nature. […]

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