Still claims there are no plans for ‘immunity’ waivers
By Steve Watson | 22 December 2020
SUMMIT NEWS — The British government has contracted two firms to develop COIVD ‘freedom passports’, that would be used to segregate society between those who have been tested or vaccinated against COVID and those who have not.
While the government is still saying that it will not introduce such a system, the firms have been given instructions to develop an app based system to integrate a QR code linking to a digital passport.
The QR code would be used to gain entry into pubs, clubs, venues, cinemas, basically anywhere in public.
“After scanning in the code, the venue could refuse entry to those without a recent negative result,” the Daily Mail notes.
The ‘negative Covid-19 test certification’ plans were discovered on the UK Government’s contracts finder.
The site shows that in November a £42,000 contract was awarded to a company called Netcompany UK to develop a ‘Covid-19 Certification/Passport MVP’ (minimum viable product’). […]
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