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Cornell vaccine mandate only applies to white students

Police violence against blacks ‘may contribute to feelings of distrust or powerlessness’

By Greg Piper | 8 December 2020

THE COLLEGE FIX — One of the amazing things we learned in 2020 is that the novel coronavirus can’t infect people who attend Black Lives Matter protests. Science!

Apparently the seasonal influenza is even more considerate, at least at Cornell University.

The Ivy League school offers a race-based exemption from its new mandatory flu shot, requiring only white students to get immunized before returning to the area.

Cornell started requiring flu immunizations this academic year for all students “studying in Ithaca” – not just those attending classes in person – enforced through the Behavioral Compact.

It’s not to protect students from the flu, the FAQ reads, but so that “medical services and other support resources can be fully available to serve students who may be exposed to COVID-19” (an infection that threatens very few of them).

So-called black, indigenous and people of color are welcome to tax Cornell health resources, however. […]

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