In July alone, there were 22 cases of pedophilia recorded in Israel and brought to the attention of the media
By Celia Jean | 4 August 2020
THE JERUSALEM POST — Tens of thousands of pedophiles operate in Israel every year, leading to about 100,000 victims annually, according to an Israeli pedophile monitoring association.
The Matzof Association, an organization that actively keeps track of reports on pedophiles in various media and centralizes the data monthly, states that in July alone, 22 cases of pedophilia were reported in Israel and brought to the attention of the media. The vast majority go unreported.
“In Israel, tens of thousands of pedophiles operate on a daily basis without any problem,” said Eliran Malki, head of the Matzof Association.
“They are not deterred by the police and certainly not deterred by the contemptuous rulings that come from the hands of judges in the various courts,” he added, citing an incident in which one particular pedophile was let off by the courts without punishment, despite evidence of thousands of pedophilic items found on his computer, as the court stated that it would “harm his career.” […]
Luckily , there are 28 hellish planets in this universe , where sinners are dealt with !!!
There’s only ten million people there.
Your numbers have to be way off
It’s all allowed in the Jewish Talmud, as long as the child is under 9 years of age (before that, they are considered mere animals, to be raped at will even by their own parents). This belief was also incorporated into the Koran, written by Mo’s first Jewish cougar-wife Khadija, the 40-year-old Jewish Yemeni Slavetrader & Kaballah Sorceress who asked her young employee Mo to marry her, befuddled him with “demon visions”, and helpfully wrote down his “new religion” book for him, based entirely on the Talmud, though Mo never knew it, because he was illiterate.
Happened to come across this:
Israel’s secret plan to ship 60,000 Palestinians to Latin American dictatorship revealed in declassified documents
Unclassified minutes of a secret Israeli cabinet meeting held 51 years ago reveal that Israel planned a massive transfer of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the tiny Latin American country of Paraguay.
judeo-christian is an oxymoron …… judeo-ISLAMIC is accurate
Israel and the world center of Islam, Saudi Arabia, are allies.
Sharia law is copied from Halacha law.
The hijab and its variants – a Jewish tradition rooted in Judaism and propagated by Islamists Jewish men cover their heads in humility/modesty to god as do women.
TAQIYA is copied from “LASHON HORA (HARA)” It is the Jewish speech code against speaking ill of “your coreligionists” and it states that they must not lie to or speak ill of “Jews in good standing” but lying to GOYIM and herem-Jews (excommunicated) is okay. When you understand their morality/speech-code you will understand why there is no point in bothering to argue with them. As you will see, BALD-FACED LYING to GOYIM is “moral” in their eyes.
Taqiyya is copied from “LASHON HORA (HARA)” It is the Jewish speech code against speaking ill of others and it states that they must not lie to or speak ill of “Jews in good standing” but lying to GOYIM and herem-Jews (excommunicated) is okay. When you understand their morality/speech-code you will understand why there is no point in bothering to argue with them. As you will see, BALD-FACED LYING to GOYIM is “moral” in their eyes.
Halal is copied from Kosher in slaughtering of animals in kosher and halal, Though the slaughtering is the same, Jews, who follow kosher, do not pronounce the name of God on each animal they slaughter.
“As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry as well. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.”
Read that last bit again, very slowly, so the christianzionists can keep up: “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.”
No low IQ muslim would love the tormentors of their prophet.Those who scourged, crowned, and crucified your Savior should not be worshipped and groveled to.
It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not ~ they will be killed.” ~ Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg (Islam is NOT idolatry. Christianity IS idolatry)
The Jewish Noahide Laws require the beheading(guillotines) of anyone who engages in Avodah zara, i.e. “idol worship.” Orthodox Judaism declares Jesus Christ an idol, and Christians as idol worshippers. The Right-wing Church-goers who follow Pence, Pompeo and Ben Shapiro cooperate in the suicide of Christianity. They worship their would-be executioners. This is insanity.
Islam is Judaism LITE. But they are both fundamentally Tribal and both believe the old Us against You …………
Muhammed lived among/with Jews and just rewrote/reworded their beliefs.
Muhammmed is a pedophile? read this: Under age by the law but not by the Torah. In Biblical days she was an adult at 12 1/2 .
Orthodox islamists & Orthodox Jews ……. same beliefs. The founder of Wahhabism, Mohammed ben Abdelwahhab, considered that all those who did not join his sect should be exterminated. Many authors have pointed out the proximity of the Wahhabite way of life and that of certain Orthodox Jewish sects
BOTH follow Tribal WAR gods ….. Both were born of conquest, genocide, enslaving others, rape, and plundering.
CHRISTianity was embraced by Slaves, the Poor, Downtrodden, Infirm and is the birthplace of Human Rights and Dignity.
Excellent post, Alberticus. May I just add a couple of historical bits:
1) Arabic & Hebrew are literally the same language. It turns out that Classical Arabic script only appeared in the 7th century AD, at the same time Jewish Khadija was inventing the “new religion of Islam”. It is a cursive form of Nabatean, invented as a kind of “code” to deliberately disguise its Hebrew origins. Only by hearing the SOUNDS of both languages can Muslims & Jews realize they are the same, as a few of them have discovered to their shock.
2) Mohammed’s Jewish adviser Abu Bakr, who offered his 6-year-old Jewish daughter Aisha as Mo’s second wife after his 65-year-old first Jewish wife Khadija died, became jealous of Mo’s best friend, fearing he would be chosen as Mo’s successor. So Abu Bakr invited them to dinner one night, drugged their wine till they all passed out, used Mohammed’s own sword to behead his unconscious best friend, placed the bloody sword in Mo’s hand, and pretended to sleep till morning, when they all accused Mohammed of the deed. Illiterate and easily manipulated, Mo was so horrified at what he thought he had done, that he banned alcohol for his followers.
Years later, Jewish Abu Bakr got his Jewish daughter Aisha to poison Mohammed & blame another Jewish woman, so Abu could take over, which he did. He then sent assassins to murder pregnant Fatima, Mo’s daughter & heir by Khadija, and her husband, to eliminate all rivals to his new “throne”. Sunni Islam comes directly from Jewish Abu Bakr.