‘It’s like a prison for kids’: Parents blast Florida school district’s video showing ‘apocalyptic’ reopened classrooms with teachers in shields and lab coats as schools across the US make similar preparations

  • District of Manatee County shared a two-minute clip to its Facebook page last week showing what their reopened schools will look like
  • Footage shows teachers in face shields, students sitting alone at lunch tables and staff stopped to be screened for illnesses
  • Viewers blasted the clip, saying the schools looked like ‘jailhouses’ and that plans to keep students socially distanced were doomed to fail
  • Manatee County’s schools are set to reopen August 18, and students can attend on a full-time basis
  • Thousands of other schools are also reopening next month, meaning scenes from the video are a taste of things to come for millions of students nationwide

By Andrew Court | 3 July 2020

DAILY MAIL — A promotional video created by a Florida school district to illustrate what reopened classrooms will look like has been blasted by parents who say it feels like their children are being sent to ‘prison’.

Last week, the School District of Manatee County – located on the state’s west coast – posted the two minute-long clip to Facebook.

The clip, titled ‘Reopening Plan 2020-2021’, shows teachers in protective lab coats and face shields, and features a montage of students walking sadly down hallways while spaced six feet apart. […]

5 Comments on ‘It’s like a prison for kids’: Parents blast Florida school district’s video showing ‘apocalyptic’ reopened classrooms with teachers in shields and lab coats as schools across the US make similar preparations

  1. The US population consists of idiots. Here is the evidence. Who in their right mind would subject their children to this insanity.

  2. A very crucial moment in history. We must do everything possible to keep our children out of this government entity. What a brainwash and trauma based mind control.
    Imagine our future with children growing up thinking this is “normal”.

    • Yes- not much different than the government psycho drug testing on unwitting persons in the 1940s & 50s, only this time it’s on children by using eerie laboratory costumes, dehumanizing masks & isolating spacing within the context of fear of catching a disease. Real healthy.

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