By Matt Agorist | 21 April 2020
FREE THOUGHT PROJECT — The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program should better be called an hilarious exercise in how not to convince kids to keep away from substances the state deems illegal. As cops hopped on their high horses and had children pledge not to do drugs, the rate of drug use skyrocketed — thrusting the country into one of the worst drug epidemics in human history. The hypocrisy by the cops who pushed the D.A.R.E. program has been well-documented over the years, explaining, at least in part, as to why the program was such a failure from the start. Now, another cop who pushed kids to ‘just say no’ has been arrested and accused of disturbing criminal activity.
Parents whose children participated in the D.A.R.E. program in Beavercreek, Ohio now need to question their children who may have had contact with former Beavercreek police officer Kevin A. Kovacs. On Thursday, Kovacs, 58, was arrested at his home for unspeakable crimes against children.
Kovacs stands accused of producing, distributing, receiving, transporting and possessing child pornography on a massive scale.
“Kevin A. Kovacs, a former longtime Beavercreek police officer, was arrested this morning on federal charges of producing, distributing, receiving, transporting and possessing child pornography,” said U.S. Attorney David M. DeVillers. “Additionally, Kovacs is charged with tampering with a witness or informant, according to the statement from the US Attorney’s office in the Southern District of Ohio. […]
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