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Philadelphia Police Will Stop Arresting Criminals in Hopes of Combating Coronavirus. Los Angeles and Cuyahoga County in Ohio Releasing Prisoners on Same Excuse

Editor Note: Read Winter Watch Coverage: Plutocrat George Soros Backs Alinskyite Prosecutors in America’s Race to the Bottom

18 March 2020

NEED TO KNOW — The Philadelphia Police Department will be delaying arrests for an array of crimes including narcotics, thefts, burglary, vandalism, prostitution, stolen cars, and economic crimes in hopes of curbing spread of coronavirus. The city will also be releasing prisoners to continue “social distancing.”

The Los Angeles County Sheriff has begun releasing prisoners and is asking officers to refrain from arresting offenders when possible to protect inmates from coronavirus. In addition, up to 300 inmates will be released from the Cuyahoga County Jail in Ohio over the course of the next several weeks due to concerns about the potential spread of the virus. -GEG

The Philadelphia Police Department will be delaying arrests for an array of crimes including narcotics offenses, thefts, burglary, vandalism, prostitution, stolen cars, and economic crimes over coronavirus concerns.

The city will also be releasing criminals from jail in an effort to continue “social distancing.”

A leaked internal memo said that “if an officer believes that releasing the offender would pose a threat to public safety, the officer will notify a supervisor,” who would ultimately make the decision about whether the suspect should be detained. […]

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