Here are the memes Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign paid influencers to post on Instagram

By Bryan Pietsch | 14 February 2020

BUSINESS INSIDER — The presidential campaign for Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire businessman and former mayor of New York City, has deployed self-deprecating memes all across Instagram, The New York Times’ Taylor Lorenz reported.

The campaign teamed up with Jerry Media, the successful but controversial media company behind the influencer marketing for the botched Fyre Festival, to post the ads across Instagram, according to the report.

Jerry Media CEO Mick Purzycki is leading a collective of popular meme accounts called Meme 2020, which has coordinated the meme postings on a variety of meme accounts, The Times reported.

The memes paid for by the campaign feature screenshots of conversations with the Bloomberg campaign account, a parody of Bloomberg’s public persona. […]

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