EXCLUSIVE: California’s Homeless Crisis Engulfs Its Capital as Sacramento’s Business Owners Tell How They Confront Naked Junkies and Streets Covered in Feces, Urine and Syringes — with no Solution in Sight

GRAPHIC: DailyMail.com
  • Sacramento residents and business owners have spoken out on the city’s growing rates of homelessness – which is up 19 per cent in the last two years [since the state legalized marijuana and instituted sanctuary state laws]
  • Hair salon owner Liz Novak brought attention to the issue last week when she uploaded a video claiming she has been forced to relocate due to a vagrancy epidemic
  • Antique shop owner Steve Sylvester, whose business is located across from Novak’s, said the problem has worsened in the past 18 months due to the city’s drug scene
  • ‘Sacramento is the place where people are told you can get a quick fix with cheap drugs,’ Sylvester told DailyMail.com
  • He said one homeless drug addict entered his store ’95 per cent naked’ and damaged $300-$400 worth of china when he was asked to leave
  • A waitress at Pancake Circus diner, identified only as 70-year-old Terri, said she starts every working day at 4.15am ‘cleaning up needles and poop and washing down urine,’ and shooing the homeless from the property

By Martin Gould | 28 August 2019

DAILY MAIL — Cali Carlisle admits she is a heroin addict — ‘but in a healthy way,’ she insists, even if the visual evidence belies that claim.

Her nose is the brightest shade of red imaginable. She constantly picks at scabs all over her body. Her home is a makeshift bed beneath Interstate 80 in Sacramento.

And Monday was her 26th birthday. Not that you would ever guess. Anyone looking at her would think she is at least 15 years older.

Carlisle is part of California’s growing homeless emergency. The state has around 130,000 people without a roof over their heads. But she is not in downtown Los Angeles where Skid Row is a symbol of the national crisis or San Francisco where nearly one person in every hundred lives on the streets.

Instead, Carlisle and her fiancé Brian Workman are in Sacramento, the state capital, where homelessness has shot up by a shocking 19 per cent in the past two years, putting the problem squarely on the doorstep of Gavin Newsom, the state’s Democratic governor. […]

2 Comments on EXCLUSIVE: California’s Homeless Crisis Engulfs Its Capital as Sacramento’s Business Owners Tell How They Confront Naked Junkies and Streets Covered in Feces, Urine and Syringes — with no Solution in Sight

  1. This is all BS; being done deliberately. I remember when the homeless would set up tents
    in the parks and the cops would come early in the A.M. and tear them all down. What
    happened to that. The cops would make the rounds every morning.

  2. This article was written with a clear implicit bias. I happen to use to know Cali Carlisle and you would never know from this article that she used to have a normal life. She worked as a waitress, she went to college. She wasn’t an apathetic individual who only cared about sex, drugs, and Ice cream. There are more normal homeless people than you realize, but when you are on the street you tend to go into fight of flight mode and many turn to drugs to mask their emotions. Don’t believe everything you read. I believe this journalist went into this story with an agenda and it is very evident.

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