Civil Defense Expert: White Genocide Imminent in South Africa

State-sponsored targeting of white Christians

By Jamie White | 3 May 2017

INFO WARS — Political and racial tensions in post-apartheid South Africa have become so great that the minority white population is now at risk of being murdered on a mass scale, says civil defense expert Simon Roche.

Roche heads the HQ of Suidlanders, the world’s largest non-state civil defense organization located in South Africa, which represents and seeks to protect the country’s minority Christian white population in the event of an ethnic civil war.

Roche told Infowars that leftist South African leaders have in recent months threatened “the slaughter of all whites, and the removal of all whites within five years,” prompting Suidlanders to prepare for a surprise civil war event which they now believe is imminent.

“Then we would, in such an open civil war, in such a crisis, gather our people together and seek sanctuary in a remote location and then to remove ourselves from being wiped out or slaughtered,” Roche said. […]

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