By Greg Wilford | 8 July 2017
INDEPENDENT — A South African court has ruled that artwork emblazoned with the words “F**k White People” is not racist.
Magistrate Daniel Thulare said a poster displaying the inflammatory phrase in capital black-and-white letters did not amount to hate speech because it was “within the context of protest art”.
The poster, created by genderqueer artist Dean Hutton, 41, became the subject of a lawsuit after it was displayed in an exhibition called the The Art of Disruptions at the Iziko South African National Gallery in 2016. […]
An increasing discussion inside South Africa, is the possible secession of the Western Cape province, including Cape Town, the only province where black Africans are a minority. There is an increasingly popular ‘Cape Party’ pursuing the independence objective, with whites & mixed-race ‘coloureds’ both favouring the idea in great numbers.
There is reportedly a great amount of internal South African immigration by whites who are moving into the region with the sense that Western Cape is their strongest region in terms of opportunity for the future.
Of its somewhat more than 6 million inhabitants, Western Cape is about one-sixth white, about half ‘coloured’ (i.e., mixed-race) and about one-third black, with a small minority from India. It is significantly Afrikaans-speaking (the close sister of Dutch as spoken in the Netherlands).