The ball-field shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, that rained bullets on various Republican politicos may well have been a real assassination attempt. Generally, staged-deception events involve crisis actors playing obscure victims. But this shooting involves high profile House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), who was critically injured. Congressman Scalise by all accounts is an effective legislator and not somebody you want around if your goal is a government crippled by stalemates.
Let’s look at Scalise. Beyond being a high ranking GOP congressman, he’s a leading advocate of new legislation and investigations on human and sex trafficking. In the following video, he is in his office speaking on the issue and calling for passage of his legislation. Incidentally, Northern Virgina, where the shooting occurred, is a leading hub for missing children, as we previously reported. Coincidence? Even if Scalise survives his injuries, he’s going to be out of commission for a while and in recovery, thus not available to push through legislation or follow up on investigations.
Also raising eye brows to anyone familiar with Pizzagate [see] (aka Pedogate), is a report that Scalise’s office staff received pizzas from House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-Md.) following the news that the GOP leader was gunned down at baseball practice by “Bernie Sanders supporter” James Hodgkinson. At minimum, this was in poor taste — maybe worse.
What’s the narrative on Scalise’s shooter, James Hodgkinson?
Looking at 66-year-old Hodgkinson’s political views, it appears he was hardly radical but rather standard progressive. In particular, he seemed fired up about the massive — and arguably extreme and toxic — income and wealth discrepancy in the U.S., which he compared to the 1920s lead up to the Great Depression. In reading through his views, he is speaking as an informed, reasonably intelligent progressive, not a nut, not an antifa. His profile has a different feel to me than the standard caricatures used in staged deceptions. His narrative is like one would expect involving a real person — at least up to a point.
But then the narrative becomes disjointed and makes little sense. Faux media said Hodgkinson was hyper-partisan. But that’s not especially a hallmark of Bernie Sanders’ supporters; who, if anything, are more anti-partisan. Deep dislike of Donald Trump is practically the norm for the majority of Americans, even non-partisans. This part looks a bit scripted.
Then we learn that this 66-year-old Bernie Sanders supporter was radicalized by John Oliver, Rachel Maddow, “The Daily Show,” Bill Maher and Robert Reich. This man is my age and from my generation. I knew educated progressives of his kind and age. I was once married to one. The chances are zero that he would be influenced by the first four, who are nothing but crass entertainers/clowns reading not-so-funny sound bites. Robert Reich works, but the others are icons for Millennials and low-IQ types. So this looks totally scripted.
Was Hodgkinson a sheep-dipped patsy or subjected to a mind-control operation?
We learn that in March, Hodgkinson had left his wife and family in Illinois without fanfare and was living out of a white cargo van in the East Monroe Street area of Alexandria. His daughter, Tasha, said, “[His wife] Sue didn’t know what was going on or why.” When his wife emerged for an interview, she said Hodgkinson “went to DC to work on tax reform.” There is nothing in his activities over the last three months that he couldn’t do back home.
We learn from his friend of 30 years, Ray Page, that he was never violent or spoke of violence. Another friend, Dave Walsh, said “something unexplainable must have happened.” Separately, there is a domestic violence and mass shooting narrative developing around Hodgkinson. We wonder if this part is false.
The New Nationalist (TNN) is wary of cartoon-world actors in incidents; but to our eye, the wife and Mr Page, Mr. Walsh and others who knew him look genuine enough. Hodgkinson, therefore, is not a cutout in the strict sense of the term.
He was not working, according Tim Slater, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office. A source close to the Hodgkinson family told The Post that he moved to Alexandria without ever telling his wife, daughter or grandson why. He was seen frequenting the lobby of the YMCA on East Monroe Avenue for nearly three months and would chat there with the former Democratic mayor of Alexandria, but nobody else.
The New York Post adds insights from a Y member, Stephen Brennwald, who said, “He was living out of the gym bag. That, and he sat in the Y’s lobby for hours and hours.” Another Y member said he’d regularly see Hodgkinson at the gym — but never in workout gear. “He never worked out. He’d just sit there and stared at his laptop.”
And when he wasn’t on his laptop, he’d stare out the window — at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park, where the shooting occurred. “He had this kind of faraway stare.”
Yes, that faraway stare. I wonder if he heard voices? Timely indeed that TNN ran a voice from God, or voice to skull article just before this incident. This should be understood. The lone crazed-gunman narrative has been used in the past for political assassinations, and the public has been set up for its use now.
Hodgkinson in his conversation with former Alexandria mayor Euille asked about potential jobs in the area; but when opportunities came his way, he admitted he didn’t have a bachelor’s degree. Why would a 66-year-old guy without a bachelor’s degree go to Alexandria, one of the most expensive towns in the U.S. in the first place? He didn’t have a government career CV either. And, seriously, why would anybody care one way or another if a guy 66 even had a bachelor’s degree?
Now, I’m exactly the same age and came from the same region as Hodgkinson. Men our age just don’t have the testosterone and thus stamina to live in a cargo van in the summer heat and humidity of D.C. Nor do they have the male aggression to pull this off using their own free will. My level (untreated) is 210, which is about average for my age, according to the chart. Feeling lethargic and passive is an understatement, especially compared to my youth. I’m treated with Testim and now feel like a 48 year old, an enormous difference. But without it, no way would a 66 year have the warrior mentality and ability to do what JH did without a big push.
And Hodgkinson shows up in March, which is a miserable time of year. Yes, we might be inclined for a low-testosterone adventure away from home, but not to hang out in the lobby of the YMCA and a cargo van, and probably not for three months, I can assure you. If he intended harm and to commit suicide by cop, there is not one reason to stay in that place for three months to do it. A week would suffice.
One could argue he was broke and thus nearly homeless. But a guy who by all accounts was a working class, blue collar worker collects Social Security at age 66. That’s decent enough income to keep one out of a cargo van in hot, expensive Alexandria, Virginia. Besides, there are other locales (Midwesterners love Colorado) where he could stretch his dollar and stay cool in the summer heat.
The whole script here stinks to high heaven and is incredulous. That doesn’t mean Hodgkinson didn’t gun down these politicos, but there would be other forces and methods involved to lure him into that spot and that suicidal outcome. Of course, the nothing-to-see-here, move-along crowd would never think of that; instead, just accepting that crazy Hodgkinson went to Alexandria to stare out of windows at the Y, sit in the heat in a cargo van and wait several months for a suicide-by-cop opportunity.
And what a useful sheep-dipped patsy to utilize in assassinating the leading legislator on human trafficking and pedo crimes. Yes, what a coincidence indeed. And just blame it on a Bernie supporter. Dead men can’t talk. How convenient once again.
TNN takeaway: Just doesn’t feel like a staged deception. If it was, then we are fooled, too. Bravo, Crime Syndicate, on this one if so. But we suggest this may be a new rollout of an old strategy: real political assassinations utilizing sheep-dipped, mind-controlled patsies. It was also a specific targeted assassination attempt against Scalise. Even if Scalise survives, the attempt served its purpose, by putting the Congressman out of the scene for some time. The others shot were for decoying and misdirection.
Senator Rand Paul laughing on tape after being on-site at Scalise baseball field shooting … Senator Paul, son of famed libertarian Ron Paul, was there ‘amidst multiple people being shot’, but quickly gave a calm-voice-with-laughter phone interview to media … Rand Paul’s odd duping-delight-type laughter at about 1:27 & 1:47 in the video (player starts here at 1:22)
Yep, same laugh it off attitude as the ‘victims’. The aide for Scalise is puzzling, why go on a national media morning show right after a traumatic event?
Not sure what to make of Rand Paul here. He should have been far more shaken after such an experience, sounds like he knew he wouldn’t be hit. Funny they didn’t interview very many other legislators. I might have considered the laughter a nervous reaction to the whole incident, after all, it could have been him. I don’t think he was in league with the perpetrators, but perhaps recognized it for what it truly was- a mafia-style hit job. Recent reports said the Dems sent pizza to the Repo offices later.
Just a bunch of criminal gangs having a turf war.
It actually says Rand and Bernie were the only two senators to vote against the sanctions against Russia today. Interesting times.
Shooter James Hodgkinson just so happened to have a list of other targets on a piece of paper in his pocket. Yeah sure, guess he thought he would walk away unscathed.
I wondered, how did Hodgkinson know congressmen were going to be at THAT baseball field? Was it announced publicly? Did he inquire it from an aide? How did he have a rifle and walk around with it in the DC area?
’ve been pretty convinced that this was probably a bona fide hit job and Scalise was the intended target but I had no idea why. I was thinking that maybe it had to do with presidential succession in case of Trump’s stepping down or whatever, but child trafficking is surely a hot button for Congress. There are so many aspects of the incident that are odd:
1) The repo congress has regular ball practices on that field, and they were the only ones there with no security but the 2 guards for Scalise. Everybody in DC knows they practice there ( that’s what I read ) and knew when they would be there. Well, where were the fans, the curious, I’m sure if congress were playing ball in my neighborhood all kinds of people would be out, at least to heckle them.
2) Limited security and apparently a very open area, NO WITNESSES.
3) To pull off a shot like that to do that much damage, this guy knew what he was doing, that was a targeted hit not just some random spraying. Notice, he didn’t get anyone else!! save the guards.
4) Oh, oh and he’s DEAD! As we’ve all pointed out. That’s the #1 indication of a dubious event.
5) They’ve probably run out of programmable muslim sharp shooters, because that’s basically what it was.
6) Scalise’s rapidly deteriorating condition. I wouldn’t be suprised if the initial hit wasn’t even that bad ( which would blow my sharp shooter theory ) and the demon “medical” team is busy putting the finishing touches on the corpse.
7) Did you notice the limited footage, mostly people milling around empty ambulances at a standstill. That’s another giveaway- empty, stationary ambulances. No one else whipped out their cellphone to film ( because there really wasn’t that much ).
8) Lots and lots of time spent praising the local DC security detail, thank God they were there, etc. Lone dude with a gun who got off 60 bullets before being subdued doesn’t sound like a success story to me. Sounds like an ambush.
I share your same thoughts and doubts in it all. Someone probably rolled up in a black car and let Hodgkinson out like a soccer mom dropping off kids for practice.