Evergreen Threat: ‘I am Gonna Execute as Many People on That Campus as I Can Get a Hold of’

PHOTO: The Olympian

By Lisa Pemberton | 2 June 2017

THE OLYMPIAN — Details emerged Friday on the threat that caused a two-day shutdown for The Evergreen State College in Olympia.

The Olympian obtained a copy of the threatening phone call made to law enforcement Thursday. In it, the caller said:

“Yes, I’m on my way to Evergreen University now with a .44 Magnum. I am gonna execute as many people on that campus as I can get a hold of. You have that? What’s going on there? You communist, scumbag town. I’m going to murder as many people on that campus as I can. Just keep your eyes open, you scumbag.”

Evergreen spokesman Zach Powers said the threat was called in late Thursday morning to the business line for Thurston 911 Communications, which dispatches emergency calls in Thurston County. Officials at that agency informed Evergreen Police Services about the threat, and they passed it on to college president George Bridges. […]

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