Chicago Needs to Return to Community Policing Model

The Christmas holiday was a blood bath in Chicago, as was the year overall. City statistics reveal 795 homicides during 2016, and among them 78.2% were black on black. The causes are being ascribed to a drop in stop-and-frisk patrols and police stand-downs. Listen to the gunfire in the following video: nighttime in “Chiraq.”

Arguments about solutions tend to be circular. In my view, there’s a macro agenda for Chicago that involves deliberately letting it get out of hand. It ties into my article yesterday on nationalizing police.

Federally centralizing police is the absolute wrong approach. In fact, the best method is decentralized community policing. But the critical key to community policing is engaged citizenry. It requires people who have had enough and who are ready take control of their own streets.

The majority of the police force in these dangerous neighborhood should be recruited from those neighborhoods and live in them. The force should be mostly black and so should the command. White officers could be brought in as coaches or on an as-needed basis, but that should be determined at the precinct level by the captain and his (or her) top officers.

The problem with stop and frisk results from officers rotating in from outside who don’t know the players. Crimes of this nature are carried out by a core group of gang bangers. Within a gang banger network are the hardcore criminals and killers, and the wannabes or followers. It is not necessary to do random or numerous stop and frisks. It should be targeted like a laser.

In a recent article, it was revealed that Chicago Police Department uses algorithms, social media and known-gang-member lists of approximately 1,400 individuals who are most likely to either commit a murder or become a victim of one. This concept is sound, but even here there is something lacking in methodology: community-level personal interaction and intelligence gathering.

My model of a community-based police force is primarily interested in the murderers on that list. In fact, I would bet my bottom dollar that 90% of the mayhem is committed by just 100 vicious criminals who are holding a million people hostage.

Each precinct’s next job is to identify and work closely with people in the community who desire to diminish the violence. That would be the people in this photo. They are the key to the whole operation. If you are a black new nationalist reading this, I have one word for you: stakeholder. If you’re not an engaged stakeholder in your own neighborhood, how can you expect other people to care?

These folks need to provide the intelligence on the dangerous playas. Petty crime should not be a priority until some semblance of civilization is restored. Again, the No. 1 goal is to take the 100 worst bangers off the street, which will then force the wannabes underground. Activists’ sons and daughters should be in the community-level police force. That way, when a playa on the 100 list is stopped and frisked, the black officer has cover.

Americans — who are constantly bombarded with globalist media propaganda — seem to have lost sight of the notion that blood runs thick. Race is an issue, so it needs to be blacks working toward their own civilized neighborhood and working with their own people who are the officers. This completely dispenses with the arguments of Black Lives Matter, which is that white officers can’t handle blacks. Let them have their point and move on to solving the crisis, which is dealing with the worst 100 hardcore black criminals and killers. Until trust is built back up, white officers can’t do this in these neighborhoods and would also be at greater risk of life and limb. If the officer has no support, no intelligence and no cover, he can’t function. It’s as simple as that.

The police absolutely need to provide special protection and cover for the neighborhood and community activist with whom they work. This builds a longer-term and stronger bond of mutual loyalty as well.

After community buy-in has been established, the process of taking out the worst 100 can start. The next video shows a Brazilian B.O.P.E. (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais) sniper in Rio de Janerio taking out an armed thug. This is all filmed to show that these are not strictly death squad hits. They’re tactically targeted against true community terrorists and after intelligence has been gathered. In this case, we see a heavily armed individual right out on the street. Notice how the sniper crew waits for a clear shot away from other members of the public.

Contrast this with the subsequent video that shows an Israeli operation in the West Bank in which a sniper shoots a kid throwing rocks. Although rubber bullets are used this is a disproportionate response and does nothing but terrorize a population. It has nothing to do with restoring security.

I won’t go into my previous personal experience with all this, but trust me when I say that I have on-the-ground insight about urban environments. Admittedly, my experience wasn’t as bad as Chicago, but it had similar challenges. I am a big believer in citizen/activist ride-alongs with officers. When I did this, I was just amazed at how alert police are at spotting things I would never see or realize. This also trains the citizen and builds trust. Also, officers need to get out of their vehicles, get on foot (or bike) and interact with local businesses and the people. This means getting involved with local churches and community activities and visiting people’s homes socially. Rebut me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe any of this is being done in Chicago.

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