8 Comments on New Super Trump Campaign Commercial just Dropped

  1. The military industrial complex is overwhelmingly, if not totally, owned by Democrats!
    And a far as the occupied territory [occupied by the Arabs and other riff-raff], if they had appreciated Israels concessions allowing them to stay there, and behaved accordingly, things may have worked out well, but they didn’t and now we know why no other Arab countries want these troublemakers!

  2. OK, but.. all this talk about the election, and trump, and jews, and… whatever topic, doesn’t matter. Why are we talking about any of it?
    Kamala will be inaugurated in January, just like potatoe head was, and nobody will do a fucking thing about it, or they’ll get gulaged by the eff bee eye..
    But go ahead and tell me how important this election is. go ahead, keep writing articles about the election, as if it actually mattered one iota, because that’s exactly what the powers-that-be want you to do. Keep pretending your votes matter, so you won’t riot and overthrow them… They’re even going to let trump win (though both the house and senate will be very blue, so nothing will actually get done) so they can continue the charade for another decade or two.
    Stupid fucking people…

  3. Until and unless Humanity, much less ” AmeriKans” DESTROY all those alleged ‘ sacred’ AbrahamiK religious texts, institutions, delusions forming the Egrigores being put forth by the Kult of Inheritance, Monopoly & Nepotism and kosher noachide adherants…

    Look forward to these degenerate fanatics ” rebuilding ” that 3 rd Temple…
    And IF you don’t believe All these Governments Including UN aren’t involved…?
    Public Law 102-14 and just research UN and Noachide Law

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