9 Comments on Classical music, an effective Dindu Repellent

  1. Classical music, especially opera, is also a dindu repellant if you’re stuck in traffic. I had a used truck once in which the previous owner had installed a powerful stereo system. To keep dindus from trying to beg for money or cigarettes, I kept opera cds on hand. Worked everytime..

  2. “Dindu repellent”? Yes. “Sub-Saharan repellent”? No. I’m a classical musician who’s played classical music in cafes, hospitals, and other places where music is incidental to the reason the people came. Many blacks have stopped and listened with interest; and I can tell by how some of them word their compliments that they have a deeper understanding of what they heard than the average person. I’d estimate that the percentage of blacks who have this deeper-level understanding is about the same as whites—it may even be a bit higher. The worst are Albanians.

    The percentage of low cultured whites who are turned off by it is lower than the percentage of the equally low-cultured blacks. In my estimation, that disparity doesn’t reflect the difference in nature, but in nurture.

    I do believe that blacks, overall, are naturally more attuned to the rhythmic pulse of the music, i.e., of the groove than whites, overall. Of course, groove is an important element in a lot of classical music, particularly of the baroque era. The average white musician is no more talented in melodic and harmonic development—elements which in my opinion are essential to classical music—than the average black musician.

    I think it’s obvious by their contributions to jazz that blacks have a lot of potential to contribute to classical music.

    • Minor correction: I think harmonic development is essential to classical music, but while melodic development is very often a part of it, it’s not essential.

      • Very interesting thanks; my own take (after long exposing mostly white people to classical music across apartment walls) is that it is precisely the rich melodic content of classical music that people who don’t “like” classical music respond most to. That is to be expected when just about all popular genres are so melodically impoverished – hip hop being the principle exemplar of close to zero melodic content. The most common neighbor response to my classical music leakage has been to migrate to the common wall and stand there and listen. I recall a particularly ravishing Schumann song that prompted a neighbor to find an excuse to knock on my door with look of wonder on her face. Vivaldi for some reason is the can’t miss number 1 favorite – as you suggest, a felicitous combination of rhythmic and melodic content.

    • Black music purveyed by the 60’s/70’s golden agers-Wonder,Gaye,Isleys,Hendrix,Withers etc was as good as anything since heard, but the satanised rap,house garbage foisted upon us since those quondam days is quite the starkest of contrasts imaginable.

    • ‘In my estimation, that disparity doesn’t reflect the difference in nature, but in nurture.’

      Sure, tell us all about it.

      I guess the fact that the academic achievement test scores (e.g. SAT) of black kids whose parents have graduate degrees and high incomes are, on average, lower than those of white kids whose parents have incomes below the poverty line and max a high school diploma is also just a matter of ‘nurture.’

      Or that black kids of high SES parents are more likely to be incarcerated than white kids of low SES parents — must be ‘nurture’ as well.

      Literally everything about a demographic/racial group is due to the genetic makeup of that group.

  3. Idiocy — more proof that there is no limit to the societal degradation Whites will tolerate due to their fear of honestly confronting the issue of race and irremediable racial differences — faggotry and nonsense is their response to the destruction of the civilization created and bequeathed to them by their forebears — ‘teens’ — it’s all so tiresome and disgusting.

    While I like classical music and own many CDs, I don’t necessarily want to hear it when I’m out in public — especially when I know what it represents, namely the abovementioned cowardice and faggotry.

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