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6 Comments on (((Somebody))) Writing the Script for Mockingbird Media

  1. The talmudic world is feeling the heat of ‘revolt against modernity’- they have even produced tv campaign commercials decrying ‘antisemitism’. But as they live, where should they be put to nullify their inherent traits of filth, lies, ugliness & murder?

  2. How about reversing “the narrative” to read: “The rise of Israeli genocide and hate crimes against Semitic Palestinian people …

    Now we can see how the Talmudist/Zionists created the holocaust myth post WWII.

    The Zionists have transferred the blame for all the horrendous crimes they have committed upon their real victims — Germany (firebombing of Dresden), Russia (the Bolshevik slaughter of millions of Slavic Christians), China (Mao’s Jewish handlers helped him orchestrate the killing of approximately 40 million Chinese), Japan (the Zionist controlled Allied bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), and now the ethnic genocide of Palestinians.

    Israel = genocides are us

    • Yes, America, you are their next victim. All those dual Israeli citizens who run the government have asset stripped the country and have reduced it to a third world status; they have moved all their assets to China and Israel, which will be rebuilt as a 15-minute city (along with Ukraine) as a major hub along the One Belt Road Initiative.

      • John 8:43-47
        Jesus of Nazareth asks Talmudic Jews:
        Why is my language not clear to you Talmudic Jews?
        It’s because you are unable to hear what I say.
        YOU BELONG TO YOUR FATHER, the DEVIL, and you want to carry out YOUR FATHER’S desires.
        The reason you do not hear is that YOU DO NOT BELONG TO GOD.”
        He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is NO TRUTH IN HIM. When he lies, he speaks his NATIVE LANGUAGE, for he is a LIAR and THE FATHER OF LIES.
        Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!
        Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?
        If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?
        Whoever belongs to God hears what God says.
        The reason you do not hear is that YOU DO NOT BELONG TO GOD.”
        John 8:43-47

  3. I suspect that (((somebody))) will pay a dear price, but perhaps not in ways many think… and I think it might begin with the end of that (((somebody’s))) biggest ally in the world of religion–the end of Christian Zionism, for most young Christians in the US anyway refuse to support it, or back Israel, or totally disregard Palestinian Christians like the CZs do.

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