Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

Chitty chitty bang bang, lights out- soy rage revenge- leadacillin, f’n around and finding out -and the case for guns. Tough world out there.

Be sure to unmute for play by play.


Robbery Fails


Sparta kicks

FAFO in a Third World

Crack head zombies

4 Comments on Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

  1. Here in Boone NC last week, police arrested a wouldbe shooter who was kicked .out of boone saloon around midnight and who then went to his truck to get his pistol, rifle and 256 rounds of ammo. He’s in the county jail on $50000. He’s from Lenoir, about 40 miles down the mountain.

    It’s a small town so I can vouch it’s 100 percent legit, although miles mathis would disagree and write .long paragraphs examining ohoenecian connections and claim that it never happened while Michael Hoffman would tell you it’s just the “revelation of the method” in occult twilight language. Indeed, I myself found a comment, apparently by allegedly perp from about 6 months ago: “Gym 5 nights a week at 59, just graduated martial arts and muay thay.. I feel with the liberals being the way they are … prepared.”

    So with this a small town we all know this event is legit. Sorry Miles, but people know shootings all over America are legit when they happen nearby.

    Despite subversive psyops ops in the co Spira you realm, I’d guess the reason for the big scripted events on TV is to create copy catters. Pretty obvious.

    I need to have my phone run for malware after downloading mathis. Something wrong with it since looking at his site.

    Hoffman seems to push that when people find out they have been duped, they will go crazy. V interesting psyops these two. Clinical and insane.

  2. Very inspirational- these videos suggest the action of men imbued with God’s justice against 2 legged, soulless humanoids.

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