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4 Comments on Israelis Bring in Large Tank Force for Urban Warfare

  1. Israel’s 9/11 — a false flag attack instituted by the Khazarian Nazis) within its own government. There have been riots going on within Israel for months which have threatened Netanyahu’s government. Remember when Netanyahu said that the 9/11 attack was good for Israel?

    There is nothing like a staged war to “unite” the population in Israel to fight its common enemy — only in this case is not really Hamas who are their foot soldiers for the Khazarian Nazis within their own government; their elites want to re-establish their power base in their “ancient kingdom of Khazaria” in Ukraine.

    Nazi (JKhazarian Jew) Zelinsky wants Ukraine to become a big Israel.

    Who are the Khazars?

    “The 2012 genetic discoveries by Dr. Eran Elhaik of the prestigious Johns Hopkins Medical University, that the Jews are not of ancient Israel but originated in Khazaria, stunned the Israelis.”

    “These authorities, said Wald, “issued a secret report to the government acknowledging the fact that European Jews are in fact Khazars.

    “At first, this result was deemed unhappy, even ominous, but, says Wald, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his advisors surprised us by bringing in their “Ukraine Solution.” Some Jewish settlers would leave Israel and return to Ukraine. This resettling into Ukraine would take time, for reasons of logistics and economics. The end result, however, would be two Jewish homelands, Israel and Ukraine.”

    The same false flag types of attacks are coming to the U.S. via the migrant army imported by the Biden Nazi regime.

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