Companies like Nike and Anheuser-Busch use trans star Dylan Mulvaney to push products, increasing their ‘Corporate Equality Index’ scores with influential LGBTQ lobbying group

Daily Mail | April 8, 2023

Big brands pushing woke advertising on their customers are being graded by a major LGBTQ lobbying group that keeps close tabs on their level of equality, publishing their scores to keep them in competition with their rivals.

Corporations including Nike and Anheuser-Busch feature LGBTQ public figures – most notably trans star Dyland Mulvaney – avoid losing crucial ‘credit score’ points that could ruin their bottom lines.

Lucrative deals and ideological advertising campaigns all play into a business’ ‘Corporate Equality Index’, a ranking overseen by the Human Rights Campaign.

The HRC, the most powerful LGBTQ+ political lobbying group in the world, compiles woke scorecards based on corporate box ticking.

Businesses that meet the criteria and earn a maximum of 100 index points are awarded with a ‘Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality’ title – which 15 of the top 20 Fortune ranked corporations achieved, according to the HRC.

Among the top corporations to receive a CEI score of 100 in 2022 were Walmart, Amazon, Apple and Google.


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