Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter line up and dispense with a series of notorious turtles on the fence-posts. “Turtles On The Fenceposts” a series of essays dedicated to uncovering how men of key prominence and positions attain their status through a criminal pedigree, often without any stunning qualifications or even merit.
Podcast is here. You Tube alternative.
The idea of a “meritocracy” makes a true mockery of the naive, spellbound Goyim.
Hello Russ 🙂
I finally had the time to listen to the last 15-minutes of your interview.
Regarding Books. Bob’s suggestion of a limited edition of 100/500 copies is an excellent idea.
Your Work is priceless. And should not be lost in…cyberspace!
I’ve bought some limited editions the past few years of some authors & researchers whom, because of censorship received limited exposure.
Seriously-speaking, a type of “purchase thru membership”-clausal should be sufficient to avoid the ‘usual suspects’ robotic attacks.
Copyright has many advantages.
Perhaps a book with a total cost of 50usd with shipping in Europe could/should be considered.
It would be an Honor to have a signed limited-edition in my collection.
Stay Healthy.
Best Regards Chris in Sweden