Robert and Russ get together for our last Friday of the month regular farcast. We dive into our favorite topic of exposing the frauds behind the false narratives, psyops and scams that permeate society.
Was the Milgram experiment and subsequent copy cat experiments of the 1960s faked to support their inference of the culpability of a general populace (as opposed to psychopaths) capable of performing atrocious acts. The experiment was based on how humans, through the simple commands of authority are capable of being co-conspirators in committing crimes against humanity. The many derivatives of these fraudulent experiments was sliced and diced as well. The art of communicating with others on these subjects was parsed.
Show is available in video so far on You Tube and in audio at Robert’s site.
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I’m glad to see that You are feeling better and You made it Home-in-1-piece.
Rootin’ for ya. 😉
Good Health and Good Cheer.
Chris in Sweden
Thank you Chris, feeling better, but not out of the woods yet.