Liberal Billionaire Bill Gates Urges Governments to Invest In Orwellian Digital ‘Payment and ID Systems’

By Joseph Vazquez | 11 July 2022

NEWS BUSTERS — Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates flexed his leftist bona fides by advocating for world governments to centralize control over digital payments.

A June 29 World Bank press release stated that following the COVID-19 pandemic, “Two-thirds of adults worldwide now make or receive a digital payment, with the share in developing economies grew [sic] from 35% in 2014 to 57% in 2021.”

The press release, which was based on findings from the Gates-supported 2021 Global Findex database, noted that “over 40% of adults who made merchant in-store or online payments using a card, phone, or the internet did so for the first time since the start of the pandemic.”

Gates suggested in the press release that governments exploit this development and start investing in Orwellian digital public infrastructures for payments and ID systems.

By investing in digital public infrastructure and technologies for payment and ID systems and updating regulations to foster innovation and protect consumers, governments can build on the progress reported in the Findex and expand access to financial services for all who need them,” Gates fawned in a statement. “The world has a crucial opportunity to build a more inclusive and resilient economy and provide a gateway to prosperity for billions of people.”  [Emphasis added.] […]

1 Comment on Liberal Billionaire Bill Gates Urges Governments to Invest In Orwellian Digital ‘Payment and ID Systems’

  1. Through the Gates Foundation they funded NIH and it’s evil killing. From my math, and population data we lost 25% of the U.S. population and worldwide, about 15%. It is the Gates way of solving the over birthing problem. That is my opinion. Now having failed in that
    agenda, but I’m sure they will press on with plagues and shots. They want to devour the masses financially. There is so clear evidence of massive evil intent by the man. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, but he is worse than corrupt, much worse.

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