By Tyler Durden | 15 June 2022
ZERO HEDGE — In another grim omen for Democrats bracing for an epic November midterm smackdown, the Republican party has flipped a once-solid-blue and 84%-Hispanic district in South Texas.
In a special election to fill a seat vacated by the incumbent’s resignation, Republican Mayra Flores topped Democrat Dan Sanchez. Flores leads 51% to 43%, with over 95% of the vote tallied as this report is written.
Flores will be the first Republican to represent that part of Texas since 1870 — that’s over 150 years. She also becomes America’s first Mexican-born congresswoman.
Her Texas 34th District provides a window on a monumental sea change among Hispanic voters. Consider the trend in presidential victory margins there over the last three elections:
- 2012: Barack Obama +23%
- 2016: Hillary Clinton +22%
- 2020: Joe Biden +4%
In November, that trend won’t be confined to the Lone Star state: Nationwide, only 24% of Hispanic voters approve of Biden’s performance, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released last week. […]
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