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Bird Flu: Another phony ‘pandemic’ … this time for chickens

PHOTO: Verywell Health

By Kit Knightly | 11 April 2022

OFF GUARDIAN — The bird flu outbreak is not real.

That should be everyone’s starting point – with everything, really – assume the media is lying and wait for them to prove they’re not.

Always doubt the press.


Especially when the fates seem to converge and every single item in the “news” herds public opinion in the same direction and serves the same agenda

… which bird flu definitely does.

Food shortages. Soaring poverty. Rationing. The cost of living crisis. They’re all part of the Great Reset agenda.

In pursuit of that agenda, over the last two years, they destroyed small businesses and wrecked the economy, they have driven truckers out of work and broken supply lines, they have started a war between two of the biggest exporters of wheat in the world and driven up the price of petrol and natural gas.

Bird flu fits this pattern perfectly. The price of poultry and eggs is set to skyrocket … and just days before Easter.

We know they just faked a pandemic in humans. You think they can’t – or won’t – do the same for chickens?

Now, maybe some of you still have faith in the headlines, maybe you haven’t developed that spidey sense that lets you just know when something is total bollocks. And maybe we should make an argument, lest we fall victim to the “fact-checkers”.

So, let’s talk evidence for a quick minute. […]

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