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Man thrown off plane for wearing a thong instead of facemask compares himself to Rosa Parks

IMAGE: Independent

Adam Jenne hopes to change history with ‘absurd’ facemask protest on United flight

By Jade Bremner | 16 December 2021

INDEPENDENT — A Florida man was thrown off a plane and has been banned from United Airlines for wearing underwear on his head instead of a facemask on a flight. He compares his actions to those of civil rights activist Rosa Parks.

Adam Jenne was dressed in an anti-Biden ‘Let’s go Brandon’ T-shirt and wore the skimpy red G-string over his head and face while travelling to Washington, D.C. from the Fort Lauderdale Airport.

Mr. Jeene said it’s not the first time he’s pulled such a stunt; he’s allegedly done it more than a dozen times, but on all the other flights he made it to his final destination.

“Every single flight has been met with different reactions from the flight crew,” Mr Jenne told NBC2. “Some with a wild appreciation, others confrontational.”

This time the TSA and airport security were called and Mr Jenne was kicked off the plane. […]

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