Well illustrating the unadulterated fantasy world the Biden administration lives in comes a plan to unclog the goods piled up in the trans-shipment points by going to 24/7 work hours. These clown world demonic entities have created a Truman Show Potemkin world, and they expect you to live it and love it.
The term “supply chain” is somewhat a misnomer- this is more a production hyperinflation and basic supply line shitstorm as the heart and arteries are deliberately severed.
The fact is that there is a severe shortage of truck drivers as well as backup chassis’ and rail capacity. This video shows containers backed up in a real not Truman Show port in a manner that is completely unmanageable. The narrator points out that the port is almost totally automated and is operated by a limited number of robots, not truckers.
Your Christmas presents should arrive by May 👀 pic.twitter.com/TNRcUd4neI
— ꧁♛𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓮♛꧂ (@BB1US) October 14, 2021
Meanwhile back in China it is already too late to ship into this nightmare backlog for XMAS. Indeed production in China has dropped significantly and is getting worse. This has resulted in a slight drop in the inflated shipping rates from $12,300 in September to $11,173 on Oct. 7 (40 foot container Shanghai to Los Angeles). In the non-Truman Show world this is because orders for Chinese goods can’t be fulfilled.
Aggravating an already dire situation comes Typhoon Kompasu which will freeze shipping transit out of China further.
And wouldn’t you know it China is also being hit with a deep freeze and flooding. Doesn’t bode well for low cost production- or any production at all.
Meanwhile back in the USSA.
Alabama School Districts Hit With Food Shortage, Warn Of Remote School Days https://t.co/NbwDZAWEyM
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 16, 2021
This week, the largest US producer of aluminum billet used to make automobiles and building supplies told customers and business associates that output capacity might be curtailed in 2022 due to a lack of magnesium supply.
“In the last several weeks, magnesium availability has dried up, and we have not been able to purchase our required magnesium units for all of 2022,” Matalco Inc. President Tom Horter said in the letter obtained by S&P Global Platts.
Act II: Vaccine Mandate Showdowns
Given the Potemkin like coverage of the vaccine mandates Winter Watch has pledged to put a best effort watch on the outcomes. This is not an easy task as denial and cover ups of reality abounds. There are no doubt enough lies, that in the end major “surprises” and collapses will come “seemingly out-of-the-blue”. But as we move into the thick of the deadlines the results are coming in.
Here are labor shortage in general. Job openings hard to fill are the highest in the history of the series. Coupled with this our core premise is that all the low and medium hanging fruit (the compliant) for the jabbers has been plucked- and they are now dealing with the hard cases or true resistance.
Chicago Police Union head urges members to defy vaccine mandate, and warns force will be halved starting this weekend (Oct.16).
Washington’s State’s draconian mandate is enforced on Monday, October 18. The immediate impact may be delayed by processing of exemptions although the vast majority of these are turned down. According to OFM, 5,778 medical and religious exemption requests have been submitted, although only 788 have received accommodations.
The apparatchiks and goons running this state admit they have no idea what the impact will be. State Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah said it was hard to know how the mandate would impact staffing statewide.
As of Sept. 20, about 68% of state workers had verified vaccination status, according to data from the Office of Financial Management. The state is not tracking separation notices, but will track how many people actually leave their jobs after Oct. 18.
Seattle’s already depleted police department is bracing for another setback. The city is poised to fire as many as 403 officers, about 40 percent of the 1,000-person force, for failing to take the COVID-19 jab by an Oct. 18 deadline, according to local reports.
“The environment has been pretty toxic and negative,” an unnamed officer told Fox 13 News. “Not just from this whole mandate, but prior to that as well. The Seattle Police Department has already lost more than 300 officers since Black Lives Matters riots and the “defund the police” movement.
Here is recent data on armed services mandatory jabs. It’s what to do with that last 10% that will be interesting. Air Force deadline comes up soon- on Nov. 2 with about 65,000 not complying. Marine Corp and Navy deadline is Nov. 28 with 23.5% Marines holding out and 10% Navy.
Today is the deadline to get vaxx’d in Italy or you can’t work. In response, Italians shut down their supply chain.pic.twitter.com/tsiZ4Le22j
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) October 15, 2021
It’s not as if critical people in important jobs are not opposed to mandatory jabs. The Truman Show mofos will have to deal with all sorts of scenarios like this.
“The fact that the vaccines have only been shown to reduce symptoms of the recipient and not prevent infection or transmission is a fact extremely important to plaintiffs’ claims,” the lawsuit states.
— THE BIAS (@thebias_news) October 15, 2021
Southwest Airlines cancelled nearly 2,000 flights last weekend, amid reports of protests by employees against new COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Going into this weekend Lugenpresse reports on Southwest are superficial- and that’s what leaves the surprise or exposure element up in the air.
However, during an interview with ABC News Tuesday, Gary Kelly, the CEO of Southwest Airlines, stated that no employees will be fired over the company’s vaccine mandate.
Incidentally this is all about the jab mandate and here is the court filing of Southwest Pilots against Southwest Airlines.
Just in after going to press: – Delta Air Lines ditches “divisive” #COVID19 vaccine mandate, CEO Ed Bastian announces (Fox).
UAL is claiming almost total compliance out of it’s 67,000 employees- allegedly only 232 refused. This strikes us as counter-intuitive so we are skeptical about this feeble resistance number. These corporations wouldn’t just lie would they? And if sudden fall out from labor shortages materializes how would they cover this if it is a bluff?
Again we suggest that this is a deliberate part of the Marxist’s Cloward-Piven plan.
A report out of Maine shows it only takes a minority of key employees to collapse medical care.
MAINE – […] Central Maine Medical Center posted on Monday that it was suspending pediatric, heart attack and trauma admissions. Central Maine Medical Center cited “unprecedented healthcare workforce shortages” in a Tuesday statement. A COVID-19 pandemic workforce shortage has led to 500 job openings across the hospital’s parent group, which has said it could lose up to 200 workers of 3,000 in total unless they decide to get vaccinated within a few days.
Mucky mucks out of Quebec have backpeddled and are providing clues about what they do if their bluff is called.
TSA says 40% of employees are unvaccinated as deadline looms. The deadline for civilian federal government workers to be fully vaccinated is Nov. 22 — the Monday before Thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel times of the year. If we couple that with airline employee resistance a complete shutdown of holiday travel will be in play.
Irregardless some of the nation’s largest employers have decided to join the game of chicken. Boeing Tells 125,000 Workers — Get Vaccinated by Dec. 8th or Get Fired
IBM told U.S. employees this week that they must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by Dec. 8 or face an unpaid suspension.
Winter Watch Takeaway: This will compound steadily over the coming weeks. The efficiency on institutions and companies in a raging inflationary environment with supply, energy and labor shortages will be stark. The economic impact on those being purged by these Truman Show tyrants will be likewise stark.
The safety net and hyper stimulus is gone- this outcome is not hard to predict. Only people living in the Truman Show and Cartoon World think otherwise.
Brace For Price Shock: Americans’ Heating Bills To Soar Up To 50% This Winter https://t.co/eWrvk49wcV
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 14, 2021
These psychopaths just make bullshit up as they go. Well, nobody saw THAT coming.
Media Now Claims That “Double Jabbed” Brits Who Have Bad Colds Are Actually Suffering From COVID https://t.co/9nyMhqe2jc
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 12, 2021
Sorry for the schadenfreude – but my hostility towards these manipulative tyrants shows no bounds and honestly this made my day: Nothing to see here move along? The wags are claiming the bitch passed out from other causes” – whatever. It also begs the larger question- with so many now jabbed, how are their immune systems situated for standard influenzas (including weaponized) that may hit this winter?
Austrian MP Eva Holzleitner collapses in the middle of a parliamentary session. She announced on Instagram that she had been vaccinated, stating that “vaccine skepticism is unfounded”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, vaccines are saf….. pic.twitter.com/PtiqK1GvMZ
— Filippo Maria O di B 🇮🇹 🇺🇸 🇨🇭 (@Filippo60) October 14, 2021
Makes you wonder if its all intentional…No effort to save any economy.
More importantly, to what end does this serve?
From my previous observations I stated that the ascension of Eurasia and the decline of the West was in the making. We now see this more clearly with the handover of Afghanistan to the Chinese and Russians. I suspect Taiwan is next but may be kept on hold and used as a pretext for war between the US and China, if and when war is needed.
What was missed in my thinking was that these power plays were a part of a bigger picture and not sovereign nations seeking to exert control. Having said that, I don’t dismiss the thought that the Chinese will go along to get along for now, but intend to double cross their betters, the Davos crowd ultimately. They will fail as they seem tone deaf to Western thinking.
Bottom line: Covid is a depopulation agenda of many layers, not just one. Yes Satanic forces are in control, but agendas amongst these groups vary. The West prefers to cull their masses while the East, being more utilitarian and dealing with a different psychology of hive mind populace, would prefer to harness their slaves. Western Christian thinking makes this strategy untenable.
The West knows that Build Back Better means “trim the fat” whereas the East builds Ghost Cities with no roads yet developed into and out of to house their new factory monkeys.
Both sides are positioning their populations for this.
A major unknown remains as to whether or not a geo-physical (maunder min) event is afoot that is the motivation behind all of this, or weather this is all a continuation of WWII into WW2.0 . Both Ghost Cities And Graphine Oxide based frequency modulated controls could still serve a useful purpose in this case. But ultimately a global cataclysm must be met with continuity of government.
What is clear is that once the dust settles, either from a man made famine or natural disaster famine, a new economic system must be built from the ashes of the un repayable credit that was extended by the people leading up to this historic moment. They spent like there was no tomorrow because they knew there is no tomorrow.
In order to accept the above and in order to move on to my next point, one must accept a few premises. Should these premises be false, my assessment may be incorrect as well.
Premise #1. World Leaders are the House Niggas and we are the Field Niggas. Bigger players sit behind them and they aren’t the “Deep State” That’s the Plantation Owner. These are the Governors of the territories those plantations reside on. Votes don’t matter, protests don’t matter, You’re taking your fight to the wrong boss…
Premise #2. If you heard it in popular Alt Media, it’s likely a limited hangout source , Controlled Opposition source , or “Truth” that is about 10-30 degrees off of the real truth and designed to keep you looking away from the slight of hand. If they can get you to wear a mask, they can control the flow of info-Not a big leap. Most Alt sources serve as group therapy and venting exercises.
Premise #3 Most academics and think tanks believe Malthus especially as it gives them license to kill. This is the crux of their motivation as you are a useless eater extracting from them at this current point of diminished return.
Consider the following: In 1973 the US closed the Gold window. In 1976 Kissinger opened up China to the developed world into an environment where fiat currency would protect the US sovereign from trade imbalances as we have had. If the USD was Gold backed, China would now effectively own the US. Instead the asset backing of the USD was a consumable in the form of Oil (energy) secured by the MIC.
My assertion, in 2023 i.e. 50 years after the Gold window closed, THE GOLD WINDOW will reopen and a reset of chips falling where they may under the guise of a One World system of stable coins i.e smart contract DLT Tokens backed by Gold will populate Central Bank Digital Currencies…CBDC
It seems the draconian measures in Anglosphere resource rich countries like Canada, and Australia, and to some degree South Africa are places where there’s a lot of gold as well as an importance attributed to control for controls sake.
The Western approach seems to be to reduce the population to save it via robotics and AI and it seems the East believes in victory through numbers.
I welcome your feedback
Well that is a heck of a post there my friend. You covered a lot of ground with succinct analysis and it is probably in my top three favorite posts that I have read by you and maybe on the entire site. Well done sir!
Okay, where to begin…let’s start here:
“What was missed in my thinking was that these power plays were a part of a bigger picture and not sovereign nations seeking to exert control. Having said that, I don’t dismiss the thought that the Chinese will go along to get along for now, but intend to double cross their betters, the Davos crowd ultimately. They will fail as they seem tone deaf to Western thinking.”
While I do not completely disagree with you here, I am not sure that I can fully agree either. Since the Boxer Rebellion, I do believe that western powers have kept a close and purposeful control over China. Heck, I even believe (perhaps wrongly so — Skoolafish, I could use your help on this one if you do not mind) that the myth of a Pan Asian alliance was peddled falsely to the Chinese through a “friendly” Japan in the late 1920s and early 1930s, but the “FIX” was in. The British had chosen Japan to rule by proxy for Britain and just wished to put an Asian face on it.
The Japanese, who have a long historical memory, recalled at one time loving China and a close kinship to the nation prior to Perry and (forced) military modernization. That memory of being scared that their spiritual partners could turn on them and invade, and the addition of new imperialist thinking spurred by the conflicts with Russia (also British inspired / directed), resulted in a deviation that prompted the control over China by Japan in the early 20th century. In this instance, I do blame the Anglo-American empire for cajoling and scaring the heck out of Japan (think T.R. sending the White Fleet up after ravaging the Philippines).
China’s last independent thought as a nation was manifested in the failed Boxer Rebellion. Since that time, they have been controlled by the west in both minor and major ways (the 1 child policy was ours, not theirs). Both Taiwan and the mainland do the bidding of the United States since WW 2. The return to Hong Kong to the main nation was both symbolic (showing oppression can in fact put down freedom anytime those in power wish) and a very minor concession to make it seem that China is really independent. Yet, I would (humbly) contend that this is all theater.
That dog will not attack its owner, no matter what Mr. Benjamin Fulford may think. Their economy is one giant facade that was sold under (wait for it) Goldman Sach’s infamous BRIC paper, with absolutely no merit at the time. The entire nation was in the stone ages in 1990, and there was Goldman pitching it away as the “future” of economic prosperity. They fooled us all.
Instead, we have “new Japan” where a lot of people will lose a lot of money due to a “series of unfortunate events”. Last month’s real estate news was the first salvo in the eventual take-down of that nation. Now all we need is a currency war, a natural event (think earthquake on a devastating level or perhaps the heating up of all the mercury running under that nation from a space based “cooker”) and a bailout that hampers the economy for a minimum of a “lost decade”.
An aside:
Next on the menu, the elevation and new control of a truly independent nation: Vietnam.
Although you and I cannot really trade their economy (one ETF I think, and maybe some dual listings on the Tokyo Exchange) very easily, you can already see the “white shoe boys” moving in for the elevation. And as we all know: what goes up, must come down. It will be disgusting to witness (as it always is), and I for one was looking for ways to simply “buy and hold” a few of their solid companies as a clear indication that not all of us Westerners are in for the kill. If you look at them for a while, you can already see the economic hitmen taking positions in the nation.
Back to your excellent work here…
“Bottom line: Covid is a depopulation agenda of many layers, not just one. Yes Satanic forces are in control, but agendas amongst these groups vary. The West prefers to cull their masses while the East, being more utilitarian and dealing with a different psychology of hive mind populace, would prefer to harness their slaves. Western Christian thinking makes this strategy untenable.
The West knows that Build Back Better means “trim the fat” whereas the East builds Ghost Cities with no roads yet developed into and out of to house their new factory monkeys.
Both sides are positioning their populations for this.”
Yeah, I did not frame it in my mind the way you have here, but I can definitely see your point and do not disagree with you. Although I do wonder if this point “Western Christian thinking makes this strategy untenable.” is waning as the powers that be and the, global, corporatocracy (i.e. the fascist global dictatorship run by the Anglo-American empire) seek to destroy any semblance of decency that may be left in the Western Hemisphere. Ironically, I wonder if the Latin American nations, which were ravaged by imperial Christian colonizers, will be the last hope for Christian ideals / living on the planet.
In fact I would opine (humbly / respectfully) that is why the Holy See replaced the fomer Hitler youth with the pure fascist, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, punk. I think the Holy See could project out the future and wanted to control the narrative if at all possible; however, the more he speaks, the less people listen.
Now as for the rest of this work, I will need to return (if possible — depends on schedule) for any further discussion. Still, I really liked this post and appreciate you put it here for us to discuss.
Many thanks.
All my best,
An aside, then I will come back to the post in a different response:
The link represents the entire audiobook.
Raise your hand if you know where the term “nigger” comes from. Okay, I heard Great Britain, and that is correct. Now, raise your hand if you know who the “first niggers” were.
Okay, well done. Yes, THEY WERE WHITE PEOPLE.
This was not information that I was aware of until coming upon the text above by Thomas Sowell, PhD. Basically, I do not gush over participants in the “dismal science”, but I have three that I highly respect. This is the correct order:
Thomas Sowell, PhD
Fisher Black, PhD (yes, I know he was Deep State big time, but I like his work)
Mr. Adam Smith (never mess with a solid classic)
So with Dr. Sowell, I own just about every text he ever created. I may be missing a white paper or pamphlet or some other more unique piece, but for the most part I own pretty much everything else and enjoy his work quite a bit. Anyhow, this particular text teaches the roots of many topics including the origin of the word. I had hoped to find and old interview about the book with Mr. Brian Lamb of CSPAN, but it seems that YT might have scrubbed it and Bitchute does not have a clue about what I am speaking of.
Now for a bit of fun:
“Premise #1. World Leaders are the House Niggas and we are the Field Niggas. Bigger players sit behind them and they aren’t the “Deep State” That’s the Plantation Owner. These are the Governors of the territories those plantations reside on. Votes don’t matter, protests don’t matter, You’re taking your fight to the wrong boss…”
On this point, quite simply, you are right. Compartmentalization still permits obfuscation of who is running the show. Even the seminal work of Mr. Springmeyer only seems to capture part of the story. Perhaps a review of Burke’s peerage or a review of the autumn / winter issues in the United States publication, Town & Country (I forget the British equivalent), will provide one with clues regarding the well timed fundraising (which incidentally is coincidentally scheduled just in time to drop one’s AGI before the close of the year) events and the numerous pictures that are often offered up by Mr. Patrick McMullan on the pages of those editions (https://www.patrickmcmullan.com/). Still it would take years, lots of funding and possibly an army of researchers to get a complete picture of the total “boss structure” and who occupies the seats.
I would (humbly) opine that this is why no protest in modern times (let’s pick late 19560s) or protest group (let’s use the Weather Underground) could be anything more than corporate sponsored puppets, designed to control both a narrative and the minds of that narrative’s subscribers. Certainly, neither Mr. Ayers or Ms. Dorn were hurting fiscally at the time of their charade’s founding. Both were upper middle to upper class in terms of family worth at the time.
So the CFR, the World Bank, BIS, IMF, Trilateral, and so on / so forth, all get a pass since they cannot even remotely be identified by most of the world for the oppressive institutions they are, and fake protest groups never hit real targets of oppression. Since they would be fired and dead if they did.
On this one:
“Premise #2. If you heard it in popular Alt Media, it’s likely a limited hangout source , Controlled Opposition source , or “Truth” that is about 10-30 degrees off of the real truth and designed to keep you looking away from the slight of hand. If they can get you to wear a mask, they can control the flow of info-Not a big leap. Most Alt sources serve as group therapy and venting exercises.”
Would it be safe to assume that Winter Watch is excluded from this observation? Although I am not saying that you are wrong, I just was unclear if WW was a part of this observation..
“Premise #3 Most academics and think tanks believe Malthus especially as it gives them license to kill. This is the crux of their motivation as you are a useless eater extracting from them at this current point of diminished return.”
Yeah, I cannot argue with this point. s16, may add an opposing perspective (which is always smart and respectful), I do not know; however, I concur with you on this one.
“Consider the following: In 1973 the US closed the Gold window. In 1976 Kissinger opened up China to the developed world into an environment where fiat currency would protect the US sovereign from trade imbalances as we have had. If the USD was Gold backed, China would now effectively own the US. Instead the asset backing of the USD was a consumable in the form of Oil (energy) secured by the MIC.
My assertion, in 2023 i.e. 50 years after the Gold window closed, THE GOLD WINDOW will reopen and a reset of chips falling where they may under the guise of a One World system of stable coins i.e smart contract DLT Tokens backed by Gold will populate Central Bank Digital Currencies…CBDC
It seems the draconian measures in Anglosphere resource rich countries like Canada, and Australia, and to some degree South Africa are places where there’s a lot of gold as well as an importance attributed to control for controls sake.”
Yep, we are pretty much in lockstep. It will be an asset backed blockchain to lure the suckers into the casino. Then when control is attained, it will become a free float (much as Interbank is today). We may wish to once again mention that the Nixon action was accompanied by H.W. in China. His work and that of his son Neal (some time later and to a lesser extent) was to ensure all measures would be taken to keep the Chinese “in line” for the future. H.W.’s alleged adopted son, Bubba (Clinton), made sure that the Chinese received most favored and then access to ports in an effort to complete the plan for the 2000s with a dominant China export system and a locked Renminbi.
“The Western approach seems to be to reduce the population to save it via robotics and AI and it seems the East believes in victory through numbers.”
On that first part, yep I do concur. On the second, not so much. As I have stated in these responses, I still feel that the Chinese are a controlled nation, under the direction of the “bosses” that you previously mentioned. Why in the heck would a guy like Mr. Maurice Strong live in mainland China if there was even the slightest threat that an actual “hot” war was going to occur. I think we will end up with a “Wag the Dog” type pageant that may even include a musical number that resembles the story of the “Cuban Missile Crises”. Still I do not believe that any nation in modern Asia is completely free of “direction”, with the exception of Vietnam, which as I previously indicated may change very soon.
It was a great post to read, contemplate and respond to. Many thanks.
If Russ ever starts pitching water purification tablets and click bait you tubes or bitdupes then its time to go…But no, RW is the real deal and that’s why this is among the only sites I contribute to. He da man, and is someone that has my kind of audience.
by Popular Alt media, I mean sites that pop up out of nowhere with large followings, like Rebel News in Aus …Others established ones include Nat News, Alex Jones , ZH, Drudge,Geo Engineering,
The litmus test is 911 and the tiny hat people. Having said that, as I mentioned in a previous post, read their headlines to see what “Narrative” is being spun for your consumption.
I should add one last thing. With regard to mis-information, there will likely be no good sources of reliable info going forward with the exception of those speaking in Exoteric terms…Below is a 2015 example of such…go to minute 5:40
Enjoy https://www.bitchute.com/video/KB9Rv8OfkVAL/
Captain Kirk also seems to believe we are dooooomed
Thanks…freaky hydra does look a bit like what those German doctors were finding. RW had the video here about two weeks ago.
As for Kirk, well what can we say? He is one of the “chosen people” and has made a lucrative career out of “pause acting”…not so bad all things considered. Perhaps he is more worried that now he has been to “real space” he is doomed since imagination fulfilled “reality”.
Nah! Your thinking too small.
If RW is going to pitch anything, my vote would be that he bring back “Sizzlean” as a survival food. It is not pork per se, but is a meat and more than likely has a half life of a century.
Now remember BGNZ, Sizzlean is “REAL MEAT”, no soy, no filler!
Made in flavors of “original pork” or “tasty beef”. This is the ticket WW needs for sponsorship and no one else is doing it. Not Jones, or Adams, and all of those others would just salivate over the situation…no not the meat silly, the fact that we revived a product which could outlast any one of us in a nuclear war, and has been a dead (no pun intended) food staple since 2005.
We just contact the Swift Prepared Foods corporation:
and just pitch them…they are Chicago based and going to love RW!
Never forget this is Amerika and ya gotta dream big to win big…be in it to win it…and all that stuff.
Stocks are soaring, retail sales were huge in September. Nothing matters. Stocks soaring keep in the sheeple satiated.
Retail sales are reported in nominal dollars. Adjust for 10% inflation and far fewer goods are leaving the stores. Heavy credit usage to keep up.
Yesterday, WMAL (radio station / sort of conservative) used the Wall Street Journal as a source to claim that:
“The structured back up in shipping is causing less products to reach store shelves, which is causing a “Christmas Panic” that is benefiting some retailers with increased sales”
Yes, there always seems to be an edge game scam involved for Somebody.
My dad had a term for such cheaters, edge gamers. They would turn the lights down in the gyms and the heat in the visitor locker rooms. Then go to work on the refs. I can’t really name who he was alluding to but one was a highly successful college coach.
First, I really like the term and will reuse it.
Second, what comes to my mind are the Dolphins vs. the Bears in 1985. As we both know, the Bears were on track to exceed the undefeated season title that the Dolphins held at the time, and I do think edge gaming was involved from the minute the Bears hit the locker room.
Now I am not accusing Shula (I am not sure if I am spelling that one correctly), but I would not be surprised if others were involved.
In terms of the markets, I think we see it all the time, even if we do not always mention it. My guess (not advice folks) is a further blood bath in Q2 of 2022 and more retail vacancies in Q3. The question is when will it hit the REITs in that sector?
Thanks for the new term.
Interim results from the @DearSA_national call for comment regarding mandatory vaccinations: out of 60,483 entries 80% do not support vax mandates.
Fascinating figure and an obvious message.
On a separate note, I wanted to compliment you and Torchy on the thread itself, but also (especially) the graphics, which are very supportive of the writing. There is a very strong balance between the composition and the images in this thread and I must say it flows together quite well.
It is an excellent read.
I am increasingly aware of attention spans and the need to get the points across by whatever means. There is an excellent log of memes developing at Gab in particular.
Yes, but it also your placement and her formatting that makes a huge difference in the flow of a work to the reader. This thread just hits all the placement superbly and I do hope the numbers go off the charts.
BGNZ’s opening post is also top-notch, and has become one of my favorites. Again, the message is solid and the flow is excellent.
An excellent Saturday at WW.
Build Back Better, eh? I’ve wondered why they used that expression, but https://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/?wref=bif has a pix that shows why they used Build Back Better, and here is the link to the pix:
And to think, I got so wrapped up in the excellent work of BGNZ that I nearly forgot to add an original post to this, excellent, thread. This is the type of thread where WW is just firing on all cylinders and hitting a perfect trajectory to leave the ballpark. Okay, let’s get to work…
Maybe we try a quick blitz and then bring it all home:
“Well illustrating the unadulterated fantasy world the Biden administration lives in comes a plan to unclog the goods piled up in the trans-shipment points by going to 24/7 work hours. These clown world demonic entities have created a Truman Show Potemkin world, and they expect you to live it and love it.
The term “supply chain” is somewhat a misnomer- this is more a production hyperinflation and basic supply line shitstorm as the heart and arteries are deliberately severed.”
Yes, but imagine the possibilities if Americans got their heads out of their asses and bought domestic? Consider if one is inclined to Christmas that the best ornaments in the world are often Polish made. Why not buy Polish to stuff them stockings?
Heck RW, we may need a WW shopping resource thread for the holidays. We can make it wide open and even throw in some great olive wood resources for the 8 nights. I am not messing with you here, we do not need China.
America might need China because it is now soulless, but WW does not. Plus, let’s be honest, the cheap shit (sorry to curse, you started it — see above = ) that morons wish to purchase from the land of 1492 are actually poor for their health in terms of toxicity. Just do basic research on California’s “65” list and one will see all of the great cancerous materials used in Chinese products. I do pray for the people making this crap.
“The fact is that there is a severe shortage of truck drivers as well as backup chassis’ and rail capacity. This video shows containers backed up in a real not Truman Show port in a manner that is completely unmanageable. The narrator points out that the port is almost totally automated and is operated by a limited number of robots, not truckers.”
Welcome to the Hunger Games.
Followed by:
“Meanwhile back in China it is already too late to ship into this nightmare backlog for XMAS. Indeed production in China has dropped significantly and is getting worse. This has resulted in a slight drop in the inflated shipping rates from $12,300 in September to $11,173 on Oct. 7 (40 foot container Shanghai to Los Angeles). In the non-Truman Show world this is because orders for Chinese goods can’t be fulfilled.”
“Aggravating an already dire situation comes Typhoon Kompasu which will freeze shipping transit out of China further.”
“And wouldn’t you know it China is also being hit with a deep freeze and flooding. Doesn’t bode well for low cost production- or any production at all.”
For those of you who do not recall the name Mr. Nicolas (Nick) Leeson, or the natural events in Japan that sunk their economy in the mid-1990s, then you may wish to look into it:
What you are witnessing is the same plan, 2.0. Yet there is additional gaming going on. Who makes the most computer chips in the world? Taiwan. Who is threatened by a big bully? Taiwan.
If Americans want their big and shiny toys, then we cannot allow the charade of a potential fall to a nation known as much for its technology as it is for drug dealing (I will leave this comment “in the wind”).
Gotta run, but more today or tomorrow. Excellent thread! Thank you both!
To wrap up…
Okay let’s talk unemployment insurance and B/S market news. So some of you may recall that about this time last year, a large majority of the financial press was stating how America staying at home, collecting a check, was great for the markets. The basic premise was that people collecting UI were now sitting on huge piles of cash (since they were presumably stuck at home with no way to spend that Gov. check) and would be spending like “crazy” once lock-downs ended. This would cause huge surges in many sectors as a convergence of markdowns, due to low sales during home confinement, would meet with “flush Americans”. And you get a car, and you get a car…ad infinitum.
Well how did that all turn out? In many cases employees earned more money to stay home than they did at their jobs. Due to fears about the future, they kept (to quote Jim Rogers) their “powder dry” and did not spend all that much. There were now major surges to speak of as inflation on basic goods continued to rise. So your local Macy’s still closed, followed by that Best Buy, followed by that Bed, Bath and Beyond. Financing for new retail establishments pretty much dried up; however, the big boys got stimulus and repurchased their own stock, thereby floating them for what another year, maybe two. The writing is still on the wall and the retail sector will get hammered in the not-to-distant future. If I were a betting man, I would say Q2 / Q3 2022. The gun is out of bullets (financial tools) and the mob still grows (debt / inflation).
Now here is a sneaky thing that most people are not talking about: CREDIT CARD PERCENTAGE INCREASES
You see then we talk about them wonderful, multi-page, contracts that very few people actually read to get that plastic. we are speaking of clauses that permit interest increases for thing like becoming a poor credit risk due to an EMPLOYMENT STATUS CHANGE. So you go on unemployment for a while…then unemployment gets extended for a bit by the grace of your government…then the algorithm kicks in and simply counts the months that you have been unemployed. YOU SEE ALGOS. DO NOT CARE IF THE SITUATION IS REALLY BAD OR THE GOVERNMENT HELPED YOU TO STAY HOME LONGER…THEY SIMPLY COUNT THE MONTHS.
You ___________ rate now increases to ______________.
The longer you stay out of work, the more the rate can increase because you become deemed “even more risky than before”. Dr. Fauci still gettin’ paid and paying off his bill on time, but how about John or Jane in middle America? One lost their job because the mom-and-pop they worked for could not afford to stay open. They other was furloughed indefinitely due to a lock-down and now can only go back with a “shot to the arm”.
And now for that $100,000,000,000,000,000.00 question:
“Sorry for the schadenfreude – but my hostility towards these manipulative tyrants shows no bounds and honestly this made my day: Nothing to see here move along? The wags are claiming the bitch passed out from other causes” – whatever. It also begs the larger question- with so many now jabbed, how are their immune systems situated for standard influenzas (including weaponized) that may hit this winter?”
Yeah they compromised immune system may find the common cold a bit much to fight off as the seasons do their thing. Hopefully a lot of folks who got the shot will take very smart steps to keep the immune system up; however, with the rate that I see people buying “sugar CRACK products” at the olde piggly wiggly, I am a tad skeptical. Remember if church had been McDonald’s or the liquor store and they were forced to close back in March 2020, there would already have been blood in the streets. America would have gone ape shit. Make me go for the old Sunday sermon online. no problem. Take away my “VALUE MEAL” and I will see you in the woodshed.
Great thread, glad to have had a chance to participate.
All my best WW,
Simple Citizen
One last thing…Central planners transitioning from control of SUPPLY to control of DEMAND and SUPPLY in the build back better model