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HOAX: Black woman charged after allegedly posing as white male and sending violent, racist notes to neighbors


‘The notes threatened to burn their houses down and kill them and said that they didn’t belong in the neighborhood,’ Detective Nathan Shumaker said.

1 October 2021

THE POST MILLENNIAL — On Wednesday, the Douglasville Police Department identified a black female who has allegedly been sending her neighbors racially-charges notes since December.

Police identified Terresha Lucas, a 30-year-old African-American female, as the suspect behind the notes, charging her with eight counts of making terroristic threats, according to a police statement.

Police said that residents of Manning Drive in Georgia began receiving notes in December from a person claiming to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan. “Lucas allegedly described herself as a six-feet-tall white male with a long, red beard who did not live in the neighborhood,” the police statement said.

On December 21, residents of two homes on Manning Drive received notes in their mailboxes that Detective Nathan Shumaker described as racially-motivated. He said the notes were dropped in their mailboxes as night, and were discovered the next morning.

“The notes threatened to burn their houses down and kill them and said that they didn’t belong in the neighborhood,” he said. […]

1 Comment on HOAX: Black woman charged after allegedly posing as white male and sending violent, racist notes to neighbors

  1. I wonder if any follow-up on this one will make it to the local news, as this part of the story did. This subhuman, anti-white, psychopathic monster needs to be charged with a hate crime, and to the most extreme degree possible. I won’t hold my breath but this is a clear cut case, as countless others have been, and never does the “hate crime” enter the picture.
    As I see it, hate crimes are for everyone but white people.

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