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‘People Are Nearing Rock Bottom’: Fed’s COVID Response Rewards Wealthy While Brutalizing Nation’s Poorest

By Tyler Durden | 19 January 2021

ZERO HEDGE — Newsflash: Federal Reserve policy is making the rich much richer.

Certainly that’s not something we need to harp upon for most of our readers, who understand exactly how the Fed printing trillions of dollars over the course of months has further bifurcated the wealth gap in the United States. But, what is worthy to point out is that the mainstream media now appears to be getting wise to the concept — and all it took to realize what was going on was billionaires reaping another collective $1.3 trillion while the rest of the country suffered from agonizing depression.

For example, over the weekend, Bloomberg published a piece called “The Rich Are Minting Money in the Pandemic Like Never Before”. The sub-heading of the article simply said: “Country’s most well-off benefit from Federal Reserve policies”. 

The report wonders how it is possible that some people are struggling for food, shelter and jobs while the rich cash in. “It’s a difficult thing to fathom,” the piece starts, but “there’s a whole class of people — at least the top 20% or so of earners — who’ve had to worry little about such matters.” […]

2 Comments on ‘People Are Nearing Rock Bottom’: Fed’s COVID Response Rewards Wealthy While Brutalizing Nation’s Poorest

  1. I have a dream that someday there will be a group of politicians, active and retired military under a good president that will just flat default on the entire national debt. It would be grand to watch people jumping out of buildings or going ballistic when they realized the bilking of America was over. MLK had a dream…..I can have one to.

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