‘The United States has reached a tipping point: The damage done to schoolchildren with scarce resources is likely to be irreparable.’
By Joy Pullmann | 30 November 2020
THE FEDERALIST — As report cards begin to roll out for fall, public schools across the nation are reporting a massive increase in children failing classes, due to the majority going online and the chaos of rolling COVID closures. In Fairfax, Virginia, one of the nation’s largest districts, “the percentage of middle school and high school students earning F’s in at least two classes jumped by 83 percent: from 6 percent to 11 percent,” the Washington Post reported Tuesday. That’s nearly 10,000 children.
Saint Paul, Minnesota, reported recently that 40 percent of high school students are failing, “about double what we might expect in a typical year,” said the large district’s superintendent. It’s even worse for younger children.’
In Houston, Texas, the superintendent says 42 percent of students failed two or more classes this fall, up from 11 percent in a typical year. In Alabama, 5,000 children have never shown up for class this school year, either in-person or online. […]
Just another tactic in the strategy to weaken, enfeeble & waste away the population- though many are determined to defy the ‘elected’ oppressors by maintaining fighting fitness in spirit, mind & body.