Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney exposes ‘Scorecard,’ the Democrats’ voter fraud superweapon

GRAPHIC: Vox/Tara Jacoby

On the latest episode of Two Mikes, Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney issues a dire warning to the Trump administration to investigate and shut down “Scorecard” and “Hammer” immediately.

By Scott Boyd | 2 November 2020

NOQ REPORT — Voter fraud is happening right now. We all know it; one would be hard pressed to find a single American on either side of the aisle who would not acknowledge that it’s taking place. Around half the country realizes (or is willing to admit) it’s happening in favor of Democrats, but very few realize just how deep this particular rabbit hole goes.

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney does. The retired military man has kept his finger on the pulse of the intelligence community and national politics since retiring in 1994. He’s not alone in this regard, but what separates him from other retired military personnel is that his love for the nation and oath to the Constitution compel him to speak out even when he knows it will get him some heat. That heat will be coming based on his revelations in the latest episode of Two Mikes.

A CIA program known as “Scorecard” allows its users to change voting outcomes by hacking into the transfer between local reporting stations and state or national data centers. According to McInerney, it’s a small amount, under 3%, to keep it from triggering any alarms. He would know. He served in top military positions under the Secretary of Defense and the Vice President of the United States. His insights into the matter are coming at just the right time with election day tomorrow. Hopefully, it’s not too late. […]

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