New Trump Ad Questions Biden’s Mental Faculties With Sad ‘Before & After’ Clips

By Tyler Durden | 18 August 2020

ZERO HEDGE — “Did something happen to Joe Biden?” – a new Trump campaign ad questions, before going on the attack and highlighting Biden clips ‘past and present’ to make the case his mental faculties are in decline.

The ad was timed to coincide with the virtual Democratic National ConventionThe Hill reports, while Axios’ Jonathan Swan calls it the re-election campaign’s “most brutal ad of the 2020 election”.

“We think it’s very important that voters fully assess Joe Biden’s qualifications and fitness to be president,” a senior campaign official said of the ad to Axios. “Our data show that people are concerned about his ability to do the job.” […]

1 Comment on New Trump Ad Questions Biden’s Mental Faculties With Sad ‘Before & After’ Clips

  1. Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies would cause his children to grow up ‘in a racial jungle’

    Former Vice President Joe Biden is facing increased scrutiny over his record on busing and racial issues, and this week old comments resurfaced in which he said, in 1977, that non-“orderly” racial integration policies would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” … The quote was originally discovered by University of Southern California Law School professor and scholar Daria Roithmayr and first reported by The New York Times, which published a lengthy story on Biden’s record on busing and school de-segregation on Monday morning.

    Roithmayr (it’s not clear if she’s Jewish or not) describes herself as someone whose primary interest is ‘persistent racial inequality’ (link), i.e. how it’s all whitey’s fault — her Twitter timeline filtered for the word “white”: Twitter/droithmayr/”white” — the pattern is obvious.

    Roithmayr is just another academic ideologue who assiduously ignores the mountain of quantitative social scientific evidence, as well as the growing body of evidence coming from behavioral psychology/genetics and gene mapping, that the differences between the races that result in significant group differences in average SES are strongly genetic and therefore largely irremediable.

    There’s a lot more in Biden’s past — but given the alternative is Trump, I can’t see how Biden’s past or present (dementia) will seriously hurt him via the way the media covers the campaign.

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