Hollywood’s identity crisis: Actors, writers and producers warn of ‘reverse racism’ in the film industry which has created a ‘toxic’ climate for anyone who is a white, middle-age man

A golden sculpture of Harvey Weinstein on his infamous casting couch holding an Oscar in Hollywood, California, displayed days before the 90th Academy Awards on March 4, 2018. PHOTO: AFP/Frederic J. Brown

12 July 2020

HIDE OUT NOW — As the wooden boards are taken down from shopfronts and studio lots grind slowly back to life, Hollywood is basking in an unseasonable heatwave.

The famous boulevards shimmer in 40C haze and warm Santa Ana winds fan the Beverly Hills mansions.

Shaken by #MeToo, paralysed by Covid-19, the $50 billion film industry is finally emerging from a four-month lockdown – only to find a new and very different world, where tension is rising as surely as the thermometer.

For if the very public Black Lives Matter protests have polarised America, the silent fallout has now reached Hollywood.

A revolution is under way. White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities – racial and sexual – can be given jobs.

A new wave of what has been termed by some as anti-white prejudice is causing writers, directors and producers to fear they will never work again. One described the current atmosphere as ‘more toxic than Chernobyl’, with leading actors afraid to speak out amid concern they will be labelled racist. […]

2 Comments on Hollywood’s identity crisis: Actors, writers and producers warn of ‘reverse racism’ in the film industry which has created a ‘toxic’ climate for anyone who is a white, middle-age man

  1. Thanks for that very interesting article, which again illustrates the futility of Ethnic Europeans “taking a knee” to appease all other ethnic groups. It also shows that the Tribe controlling Hollywood have just been waiting for this excuse to drive all the “white males” out of the movie industry.

    All these “black producers” announcing they aren’t going to hire any white males need to ask themselves who is paying their salaries, and why the Tribe has never allowed any “black movie companies” to get started. “We’ll give you the top jobs everywhere, as long as you let us pull all the strings behind the scenes.”

    It’s all about the Tribe using the Third World to destroy the white man, as it has so often used others to deflect blame away from themselves. If only the white man, especially Christians, would wake up.

    • Certainly browns & blacks will fall over themselves to view nonwhite cinema- after all they have always comprised the bulk of movie goers. Whites would only be bored to tears & prefer to spend their money elsewhere. Hurray for ‘Hollywood’!

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