By Samantha Chang | 22 April 2020
BUSINESS & POLITICS REVIEW — Idaho mom Sarah Brady was arrested after she refused to leave a playground that had been closed due to nationwide coronavirus lockdowns.
Brady was charged with misdemeanor trespassing and has since been bailed out. Her arrest sparked a protest at the Meridian (Idaho) City Hall.
This incident spotlights Americans’ growing impatience with what many consider unconstitutional and unreasonable lockdowns amid the COVID-19 crisis.
The brouhaha erupted after Brady and a small group of people allowed their children to play at a park, which was closed. The group had gone to the park as part of a planned protest of the state’s lockdown orders. […]
Now moms are handcuffed for pushing their kids on the swings?!
This is unconstitutional! Life! Liberty! The Pursuit of Happiness!
Are God given unalienable rights.#Coronamania @IDAHOgov @DIDnews @IdahoStatesman @ISPHeadquarters pic.twitter.com/FeEkotb2TM— Code of Vets ™ (@codeofvets) April 22, 2020
This kind of thing make you wonder what government apes won’t do for a paycheck and a pension — hopefully it will open the eyes of many and at the least result in more people being unwilling to allow the government to take their weapons.
If their intent was to protect and serve the people, they would have stood guard over the playground so the families could use it.