By Thomas D. Williams, PhD | 5 October 2019
BREITBART — Researchers from University College London are forecasting an average temperature in the UK of just 3.9ºC (39ºF) for January to February in what is expected to be “the coldest weather in 30 years.”
Yahoo News reported Saturday that temperatures in Great Britain could reach as low as -14C with “snow event after snow event” expected to hit various parts of the territory.
Forecasters expect the lasting cold spell to begin sometime this month and to continue at least through March.
“October is now looking like it will turn out to be colder than average with more of a chance of something wintery setting in through the second half of the month,” according to Exacta Weather forecaster James Madden. […] keeps track of sun spots. We are at an 11 year low for sun spots last seen in 2008.