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Criminal Justice Reform Comes Home to Roost

Dallas police officers watch a police line downtown after 11 police officers were shot during a peaceful protest in Texas on July 7, 2016. PHOTO:

By Colin Flaherty | 5 July 2019

AMERICAN THINKER — “Why did they have to let him go?”  That is what an anguished Anastasia Starr shrieked after watching career criminal Dietrich Thomas kill her husband Eric just a few days ago.

Dietrich was out on bail for a similar shooting in February, just one in a long series of arrests for guns and violence.

Now Eric’s family wants to know how that could have happened. Aren’t dangerous people supposed to be in jail so they can stop hurting people? That was the way it was, before Criminal Justice Reform.

From the smallest district attorney to the President of the United States, the so-called Criminal Justice Reform movement is now the law of the land in places like Houston, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, Baltimore, and dozens of other cities.

The same public officials who used to brag about how many criminals they arrested are now proud of how many they let go. In Chicago, the local papers run banner headlines touting the success of this new social-justice strategy — as measured by the record low number of people in Chicago jails. […]

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