Suddenly, during the last two weeks, there have been a number of reports of “large booming sounds, being accompanied by massive flashes of light.” The Sun is reporting that the frequency of these “mystery booms” appears “to have gathered pace over the past week.”
Mysterious booming sounds have been shaking houses and terrifying residents after “flashes of light” were spotted across America. Experts have been left baffled by a spate of seismic booms from Arizona to New York.
According to reports, “experts” cannot offer any explanation for this. Um, who are these experts? Boomologists, no doubt – sarcasm. One theory is that it’s a “frost or ice quake,” the product of the extreme cold weather of late. Even ice falling on ice or hard frost makes a strange, mesmerizing sound — but warmer locations such as California and Arizona have experienced this event. And what of the light? Could it be that it’s happening naturally in some frosted and iced regions, and that the media is hyping it, causing mass hysteria or fake reports in warmer regions?
The lugenpresse is not to be trusted on much of anything it spews out. This begs the question: Is this a real phenomenon or yet another psyop fear-porn hoax? Takeaway: It seems to be a combination of both. Or is it the real threat “Wizard of Oz” Crime Syndicate showing off and beta testing their latest Project Blue Beam toys?
Of greater significance to this observer’s eyes are neuro-cognitive weapons that can induce Alzheimer-like symptoms in a matter of days. Research has shown that devices using certain EMF/RF signals can remotely destroy brain cells, causing disorientation and brain damage.
Then we have episodes involving U.S. and Canadian diplomats who have experienced medically proven brain damage from an unknown source and claim disorientation caused by some sort of advanced weaponry. Thousands upon thousands of citizens in the U.S. and around the world are making those exact same claims — or so says The Washington Post, home of some of the worst among the lugenpresse. Is this some sort of mass human experiment?
The concern or spin is that NASA’s network security was compromised, and they are worried advanced technology is “ending up in the wrong hands.”
Warm Up for Project Blue Beam?
Does this all tie into Project Blue Beam? Dr. Steven Greer, the creator of the widely viewed documentary “Unacknowledged,” is also noticing a worrying pattern from lugenpresse pushing an extraterrestrial intervention (ETI) and UFO narrative. Greer is concerned about an ET false flag, commonly referred to as Project Blue Beam. We rendered our view that the UFO-ETI narrative is a psychological operation.
Read “The UFO-Alien Narrative is a PSYOP”
A more immediate reality is AI computer-generated imagery (CGI) and dense holograms for smaller-scale trickery and staged deceptions.
One thing Winter Watch knows for a fact: The Crime Syndicate (CS) has not only had an interest in relentlessly hoaxing the general population – but the means as well.
The theory holds that the CS will use dense hologram imagery combined with voice-to-skull technology and possibly a good dose of suggestibility via drug aerosols in the air or put into drinking water. The brain addling now being reported would seamlessly fit into that.
Read “Voice of God Mind Control”
Another variation — and we think a more likely one — is some type of smaller-scale religious Messiah or prophecy hocus pocus and psyop aimed at Evangelical, Rapture and New Age types. Perhaps this would be tied into Jerusalem. No doubt, the CS has the data to determine just how gullible and controllable the general population, or segments of it, are and what would be required.
This last video goes through the aspects of a larger-scale religious/ETI Blue Beam event. We have seen in recent years more of this alien threat theme in entertainment. When the big show is put on, the God figure or Messiah will speak in every language. Artificial talk, or voice-to-skull is personalized to each individual based on his beliefs and make up. The ETI or alien threat could be run concurrent with this. Supernatural and spooky visions could be conjured to severely traumatize a population, perhaps driving a mass suicide. Then a contrived salvation is offered by the Crime Syndicate.
I have read many reports of “voice to skull” technology being used with great success in Gulf War 1. Lord knows what toys these fools are playing with now.
Funny how the occultists have been programming us for years and we don’t pick up on it. 8/26/1987, Ronald Reagan declares Emergency numbers day in conjunction with 911. “Observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.” Thank your local firefighter or policeman. This from the smiling politician who once quipped that the world might need an alien invasion to bring it together. There are those who say the Book of Revelation is their blueprint and the 9th chapter vs 11 renders this, “And they fought under a king; their king was the angel of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, in Greek Apollyon, in Latin the Exterminator. Of the three woes that were pronounced, one is now past; the two others are still to come.” Knox translation
An addendum. The number 322 is the number of choice for the skull and bones occultists. Genesis 3 vs 22, “Here is Adam become like one of ourselves, with knowledge of good and evil, now he has only to lift his hand and gather fruit to eat from the tree of life as well, and he will live endlessly.” So a skull and bones occultist is the king in power presiding over that fateful 9/11 event. Nothing to see here.
Mike Adams has an interesting piece up on his Natural News site including those booming noises “Behold a pale horse.”
Russ, the recent ‘i hate my parents for not vaccinating me’ episode originating in Reddit and now being replayed across other MSM outlets reaks of astroturf. It comes at the same time as the measles scare mongering and other vaccine bogeyman articles. The amount of pseudoscientific and scientism/popular comments being promoted to the forefront are too telling and easily identified as shill statements. Reading deep down into comments sections I have seen calm, rational opposition to vaccines or even delaying vaccination be down voted into oblivion and mocked. Scary stuff.