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US Sen. Paul Places Hold on $38 BILLION Handout to Israel

PHOTO: If Americans Knew Blog

Sen. Paul places hold on US security assistance to Israel

‘This bipartisan legislation authorizes full funding of security assistance to ensure Israel has the means to defend itself,” AIPAC posted on Facebook with a link to “urge Sen. [Rand] Paul to stop blocking aid to Israel.’

By Jackson Richman | 21 November 2018

JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE — U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has a history of being skeptical about U.S. taxpayer funds going towards the Jewish state, has placed a hold on the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018, which provides Israel with $38 billion in military aid over the next decade.

This has caused backlash from organizations such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

“This bipartisan legislation authorizes full funding of security assistance to ensure Israel has the means to defend itself,” AIPAC posted on Facebook with a link to “urge Sen. Paul to stop blocking aid to Israel.”

“We are working hard to gain a final vote on this critical legislation,” AIPAC spokesperson Marshall Wittmann told JNS. “We believe that it will be enacted before Congress adjourns for the year.” […]

7 Comments on US Sen. Paul Places Hold on $38 BILLION Handout to Israel

  1. The U.S. needs to stop all aid to Israel. They can generate thier own capital. There is ZERO reason to fund their genocidal wars against Palestinian people, the Syrian people and others.

    Nor should the U.S. continue to fight wars for Israel. Iraq, Lybia, Egypt and up next, Iran.

  2. AIPAC, ADL and B’nai B’rith should be made to register as foreign organizations, with no guarantee that their registration application will even be accepted…and that’s just the start…

  3. And you thought Trump was working for America …. once again putting ISRAEL FIRST.
    Trump says Germany is controlled by Russia.
    Well, well, Trump is controlled by Israel;
    Trumps first overseas trip was to the Wailing Wall to grovel to his masters..
    Trump is a “Putting Israel FIRST”
    Trump is borrowing money from Communist China to GIVE to Socialist Israel.
    $21Million to move that embassy that should have stayed put.
    $38Billion above & beyond the $4Billion a year we give them now.
    WE pay for a 25 foot wall all around Israel —- WHERE IS ours?
    Trump wants to “recognize” Israel’s ILLEGAL annexation of the Golan.
    Trump wants to remove the Palestinian’s Refugee status – — you know what THAT will do? It will cause a flood of 5Million Palestinians into Europe and America. Did YOU vote for Trump’s LIBERAL daughter & zionist-criminal son in law? The Arab Nations won’t accept the Rebelious Palestinians — they will PUSH the Palestinians up into Europe and to America.

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