Vatican Reportedly Tried to Prevent Arrest of ‘Cardinal’ Donald Wuerl by Flying Him Out of the US

PHOTO: The American Spectator

30 April 2018

NOVUS ORDO WATCH — As the Vatican II Church’s sex abuse cover-up scandal continues to unfold, now with “Pope” Francis himself having been accused, the following report was just released by the conservative Novus Ordo news site Church Militant:

Church Militant has learned from reliable sources that Pope Francis has directed Cdl. Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. be spirited out of the United States before Wuerl can be arrested by U.S. federal authorities.

As Church Militant has been reporting, the Department of Justice is seriously looking at opening up a RICO investigation against the Catholic Church in the United States, and Wuerl would be one of the prime targets of any such investigation.

According to sources, Pope Francis is afraid that if Wuerl were to be arrested and charged, he would reveal all he knows, and the DOJ case would lead straight back to the Vatican with the looming prospect of international criminality being exposed.

Officials in Rome fear the U.S. federal government might shortly revoke Wuerl’s U.S. passport preventing him from leaving the country, and as a result, they are trying to sneak him out of the nation under Vatican diplomatic secrecy.

Wuerl has apparently gone underground, and sources confirm with Church Militant, that it is the Vatican attempting to orchestrate his escape out of the United States.

(“Breaking News Exclusive: Wuerl Bombshell”Church Militant, Aug. 30, 2018; italivs given.)

Be sure to read the entire report for some additional details, available at this link. The video of this breaking Church Militant report is embedded here:

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