Last weekend, U.S. federal authorities arrested and jailed Maria Butina — a 29-year-old Russian woman — for some nebulous Orwellian crime of “illegally acting as an agent of the Russian government in a covert operation aimed at infiltrating the U.S. political establishment.”
Even if true, how many countries do this in a major way?
The “political establishment” of which she is accused of “infiltrating” is the National Rifle Association (NRA) and her infiltration includes attending a National Prayer Breakfast. At a NRA annual meeting, Butina took selfies with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and 2012 U.S. presidential candidate and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.). At the 2015 NRA annual meeting, she also selfied with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Butina wrote an article for The National Interest, a conservative, American, international-affairs magazine, in which she urged better relations between the U.S. and Russia. She was also spotted hobnobbing with “movers, shakers and heavy hitters” at a teen GOP summer camp in South Dakota. Oh, the humanity! Put the handcuffs on.

In reality, Maria’s real crime is being a diplomatic firecracker and networker. She also has skills in building an image. Does the photo at left look like the handiwork of a sleuth “covert agent” or a gorilla marketing promoter? I say maybe the later. I wouldn’t be half surprised if she isn’t on the payroll of some Russian outreach diplomat program working on better U.S. relations.
But the usual suspects will have none of that. The whole thing would be comical, if it wasn’t used to infect inter-nation relations and further demonstrate what a hypocritical joke human rights in the West has become.
Additionally, her worldview was clearly not nearly cynical enough. (It’s like we always say, read The New Nationalist to get real.) It seems she made the mistake of reading Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” I get the impression she also made the mistake of liking the U.S. and not properly recognizing the country as a twisted, evil and inverted place. As we now review the star chamber justice charges against her, you will see that she also made the mistake of viewing the kleptocratic U.S. as a “liberal democracy,” a common error among young people in eastern Europe.
It looks like the Crime Syndicate and The New York Times (aka The New York Slimes) must have spotted this Russian firecracker hobnobbing around D.C.’s Republican circles, rubbing shoulders and having selfies taken with some minor-league movers and shakers.
One of the charges against Maria is that she sought to arrange a back channel for Trump to meet with Putin in 2016. The implication is that the Russian vixen used her sexual wiles and skills to whisper these suggestions in some unnamed persons’ ears. Beyond the sheer drama and theatrics, this is laughable on its face, as Trump has plenty of conduits to network and connect with Putin. Indeed, he probably met Putin personally when he was conducting the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow (though this has been denied by both Putin and Trump). Furthermore, in what kind of twilight zone is it a high crime to promote good relations and personal contacts between two countries?
In the lugenpresse, there is the use of the vague term “court documents,” which means very little. In a star chamber system, with warped justice — such as practiced in the U.S., U.K. and Germany — this can be nothing more than innuendo.
Maria “the agent” was also active on social media, where she also demonstrated a proclivity to be ambitious, a social butterfly and networker. When you look at Maria, you see a big personality who read Carnegie’s book. She is cute, but hardly a great beauty. Still, a big mistake for a Russian apparently, as this in turn has opened the door for The Slimes to do a hit piece “expose” on her.
The hit piece has to be seen to be believed, but Henrik Palmgren at Red Ice does a superb job of dispensing with The Slimes’ inversion. You will see very heavy-handed neural-linguistic programming from The Slimes’ narrator, as he describes the so-called nefarious activities of this Russian vixen “seductress” and “super-spy.” But, objectively speaking, what was so nefarious about anything she was doing?
Along the way, she was reportedly “caught” openly networking and taking selfies with a leading Russian politician Aleksandr Torshin. This innuendo being made is that this Russian oligarch funneled contributions to the NRA. The NRA in turn supported Trump. This kind of conduit transaction runs rampant in the U.S. money-in-politics dominated “liberal democracy.” The real issue is major reform, not focusing on one legal example of how the game works.
One hack “human rights” publication pontificated that this selfie “leaves no question as to where her loyalties lie.” Really? This is a point of discussion? That a Russian woman wouldn’t be loyal to her country? And since she is ambitious and socially aggressive, she wouldn’t seek out a selfie with a leading Russian figurehead? This is right out of Carnegie’s book — but in upside down world, a big mistake for Maria.

Poor girl duped by the Hollywood movie version of USA society, courts and ‘justice’ … Here a related CNN news scoop on Vladimir Putin: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0e90eea4670cc524b7d5e81e5a92628ab83ca283c9bd4e0f4c86241cf400797.jpg
What a joke this site has become. Pretending like pro-Stalin Russia agents are genuinely interested in gun rights for Americans. You should promote Duginism here. NazBols are pretty based. Just ask (((Red))) Ice.
Mr Addled Straw Man argument has returned- Not even remotely what this post is about. It is about more star chamber justice, fabricating charges, making shit up and tossing people (in this case a Russian) into jail. All this leads to highly dangerous US foreign policy.
Nazbol Tyrone is funny right?
Pro-Stalin?? Does your memory go back longer than 24 hours? Recall Churchill and FDR hobnobbing and palling it up with Stalin back in the day? Stalin was such an awesome ally we gave him Eastern Europe, half of Germany, and plane loads of nuclear and defence technology through the Lend Lease program which went on for years after WWII. Why weren’t Churchill and FDR thrown in jail?
Kyle is well aware of that. But he is alluding to 2018 Russia and theorizes that it is dominated by a cabal of quasi-Stalinists inspired by this Alexandre Dugan character. I think his theory is exaggerated. He also believes that Chabad Lubovitchers own or at least strongly influence Putin. That theory has more validity to it.
Whether correct or not, his views on this at Renegade are worth a look (if you can wade through his Dr. Jekyl – Mr Hyde routine) and I would be particularly interested in your reaction and thinking on it..
Kyle’s problem with inserting himself here with a straw man, is that we are discussing star chamber justice and US warmongering-not Dugan- thus he clouds a vital issue with completely different issues.
Hey Russ, don’t know if you’ve heard of this guy
Some food for thought, future reading material .
Wow- committed suicide in crowded Notre Dame at 78 in protest of runaway Muslim immigration.
Also, Pierre Vial and Marc Augier
Will check out Renegade when I can, but you’re right – this girl is being kicked around like a political football – the presumption of “innocent until proven guilty” in the U.S. “justice” (hahaa!!) system died a long time ago for the average Joe, so maybe we shouldn’t be surprised at all. However this is so blatantly political and, yes, ‘star chamber-like’, it stinks.
Putin seems to have some Trump-like qualities, mainly in his links to Chabad, and excoriation by Western media. However, their 2-facedness while deplorable, is different.
Trump said one thing on the campaign trail, then did a 180 about face in relation to U.S. wars abroad, prosecuting Hillary, and a host of other issues. But he appears consistent right at this minute.
Putin, however, plays a double hand right now, acting as the conservative Russian Orthodox believer, while cracking down on “anti-Semitism” and kowtowing to Chabad. He is ostensibly helping Assad, while at the same time, being very close to Netanyahoo, seeming to allow Israeli surgical strikes against Syria and procrastinating over supplying Assad with the S400 defence system he so desperately needs.
There is a game being played here. I get the feeling that those with the levers of power are deliberately sowing the seeds of confusion. There will be very little left to hang our hats on – no consistency from any of the big players, seemingly no direction, no knight in shining armour, all will be compromised, all will be mush. We will then take what we are given (or so they think) because we will have nothing to rally around, nothing to stand for. Confusion and demoralization seem to be the goals.
Appears gloomy, but we need to call it as it is. There is always hope, as long as there is life.
Well at least she has better teeth than Anna Chapman.
On another note, doesn’t seem like Russian Life’s kick starter is going to make it to its goal before July 30th unless a $12,000 donation comes in.
Mikhail Kalashnikov(inventor of the infamous AK-47)was an NRA life member. Oh the shame !!
Anywho, this one’s for you Maria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk83VHblPhE