By Tyler Durden | 29 August 2017
ZERO HEDGE — It was just over a year ago that James Comey boldly consolidated the roles of investigator, lawyer, judge and jury when he announced that, although Hillary was “extremely careless” in her mishandling of classified State Department emails, no reasonable prosecutor would be willing to bring charges against her.
The decision sparked national outrage, particularly since it came just a few days after Bill Clinton happened to be spotted by a local reporter meeting privately with then Attorney General Loretta Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix. Combine that with Comey’s admission under oath that Loretta Lynch clearly attempted to interfere in the FBI’s investigation and it all wreaked of just another Clinton coverup … said another way, just a bunch of Republicans trying to “criminalize things that are normal.”
Be that as it may, at least one attorney, Ty Clevenger of New York, has been working diligently to make sure that Hillary and various members of her staff face at least some consequences for their alleged crimes which range from perjury under oath to willful destruction of evidence protected by a Congressional subpoena (see: The “Oh Shit” Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena), among many others. We noted the efforts of Clevenger to get Hillary disbarred in the state of Arkansas back in June in a post entitled “Hillary Not “Out Of The Woods”: Arkansas Bar Considers Disciplinary Action Over Email Scandal.” […]
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