The statue in our nation’s capitol of Confederate General Albert Pike, Grand Master of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction — the most powerful masonic organization in the world in Pike’s lifetime.
By Michael Hoffman | 23 August 2017
REVISIONIST HISTORY — Albert Pike was a a Confederate Brigadier General in charge of American Indian troops fighting for the Confederacy.
After the war he assumed command of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction. No member of the U.S. government or Union Army, or Federal officials during Reconstruction, were permitted to harm a hair on his head.
Quick as a weasel, shortly after the war he was operating in the North with impunity, freely meeting fellow Freemasons in the abolitionist-citadel of Rochester, New York. […]
yup. showing once again ((who)) is behind events. freemasons and jews. jews invented communism, and masons serve jews (are required to become zionists to progress in the order), and masons created the liberals (“social democrats” in europe)